( note: casualties from 1916 - 18 outside the Loos Sector are NOT included: )
Sergeant Albert
born Cheltenham died of
wounds 2nd April 1916
Private George Thompson ARBLASTER Birmingham killed in action 13th October 1915
Private John ARKELL East Dean, Glos. killed in action 25th September 1915
Sergeant Ernest Richard
killed in action 25th September 1915
Private Charles Henry BAILEY Tewksbury killed in action 19th December 1915
Private James BAILEY Stourton, Worcs. killed in action 27th June 1916
Private Arthur BAGLIN Birmingham killed in action 25th September 1915
Corporal Ernest BAKER Birmingham killed in action 25th September 1915
Corporal Percival Louis BALLINGER Gloucester killed in action 13th October 1915
L/Corporal Charles Samuel BARBER Bath killed in action 13th October 1915
A/Sergeant Ernest John BARNES Oxon died of wounds 22nd October 1915
Pte John
killed in action 13th October 1915
Private John BARNFIELD Avening, Glos. killed in action 25th September 1915
Private William BARNFIELD Cheltenham killed in action 9th October 1915
Private James BATTY Birmingham killed in action 25th September 1915
Private Frank BAYLISS Stratford-on-avon killed in action 13th October 1915
Private John BEACHAM Bourton, Glos. killed in action 25th September 1915
Pte George John Henry BEDWELL
killed in action 18th November 1915
L/Corporal Frederick Jesse BELSON Oxon killed in action 13th October 1915
Sergt. Ernest Linden BETTERIDGE
killed 24th September 1915
Sergeant Reginald James BETTERIDGE London killed in action 25th September 1915
Private George BISHOP Birmingham killed in action 25th September 1915
Private Sidney BOND Bucks. killed in action 25th September 1915
Private William
killed in action 25th September 1915
Private Oliver BOSTON Warwickshire died of wounds 9th October 1915
Private Frederick
Longhope, Glos. killed in
action 13th October 1915
L/Corporal Charles BOX Bourton, Glos. .... killed in action 27th March 1916
Private William Henry BOX Hillesley, Glos. killed in action 25th September 1915
Sgt. Frederick Ewart BRIDGEMAN
killed in action 25th September 1915
Private Charles Edward BROOKES Bristol killed in action 29th August 1915
Private Henry BURRUS Windrush, Glos. killed in action 24th December 1915
Private Henry BUSHELL Hillesley, Glos. killed in action 25th September 1915
Private Albert Frederick BUTCHER Bucks. killed in action 25th September 1915
Private Hubert Fred Arnold BUTLER Notts. killed in action 25th September 1915
Private Alfred Oliver CALLAHAN Birmingham killed in action 25th September 1915
Private Arthur CARELESS London killed in action 30th June 1916
Lieutenant Frederick Alexander
killed in action 13th October 1915
L/Corporal Malachy CARROLL Derby killed in action 13th October 1915
Private Alfred Lloyd CARTER Worcs. killed in action 25th September 1915
L/Corporal Edgar Herbert CHAFEY Taunton killed in action 16th June 1916
Private Thomas George CHARLETT Oxon died of wounds 26th September 1915
Private George CHIDDINGTON Oxon killed in action 21st January 1916
L/Corporal Fred CLARK Staffs. killed in action 13th October 1915
Private Arthur CLARKE Birmingham killed in action 25th September 1915
L/Corporal Alfred Edward COLEFIELD Birmingham killed in action 13th October 1915
Private Archibald William COLLINS Worcs. died of wounds 26th September 1915
Private Edgar James COOKNELL Leamington killed in action 25th September 1915
Sergeant Thomas COOMBY Worcs. killed in action 25th September 1915
L/Corporal John Lewis COOPER Oxon killed in action 25th September 1915
2nd Lieut. Hubert William
killed in action 19th April 1916
Private Edwin CROFTS Somerset killed in action 30th June 1916
Private George CULLIMORE Iron Acton, Glos. killed in action 25th September 1915
Corporal William DALLEN Gloucester killed in action 25th September 1915
Private Ernest
killed in action 25th September 1915
2nd Lieut. Stanley Percival
killed in action 22nd April 1916
Private Thomas Henry DARKES Birmingham killed in action 25th September 1915
L/Corporal Edward DARVELL Chesham killed in action 25th September 1915
Sergeant Arthur DAVIS Birmingham killed in action 25th September 1915
Private Ernest DAVIS Cheltenham killed in action 25th September 1915
Sergeant Ralph DAVIS High Wycombe killed in action 27th March 1916
Pte George Henry James DAY
killed in action 25th September 1915
Private Cecil James DELANEY
killed in action 25th September 1915
Sergeant James DENHAM Herts. died of wounds 26th September 1915
Private Walter DENNIS Birmingham died of wounds 25th May 1916
Private William
killed in action 25th
September 1915
Private William DIXON Bourton died of wounds 14th May 1916
L/Corporal Alfred DORRINGTON Essex killed in action 13th October 1915
Private Ralph Piercy DRAPER Notts. killed in action 13th Ocyober 1915
L/Sergt. Frank Morris DRISCOLL
killed in action 25th September 1915
Corporal Frank EDWARDS Birmingham killed in action 25th September 1915
Corporal John Charles EDWARDS Ampney, Glos. killed in action 16th March 1916
Private Robert
killed in action 25th September 1915
Private George EVANS East Dean,
killed in action 25th September 1915
Private Thomas
killed in action 25th September 1915
Private Anthony Joseph FENNEMORE Buckingham killed in action 25th September 1915
2nd Lieut. George Walton FIELD killed in action 25th September 1915
Private William Henry FISHER Cubberley
killed in action 13th October
Pte Christopher Charles FLETCHER
Naunton ..... killed
in action 13th October 1915
Private Charles William FLETCHER Avening, Glos. killed in action 25th September 1915
Private Samuel FLETCHER Avening, Glos. killed in action 13th October 1915
Private Frederick Walter FOWLER Oxon killed in action 25th September 1915
Private Stephen FRANCIS Bristol killed in action 13th October 1915
Pte Arthur Frederick FREEMAN Norton
killed in action 25th September 1915
Private Arthur Henry FREETH Birmingham killed in action 13th October 1915
L/Corpl Ernest Harry FROWEN Woolaston,
Glos killed in action 25th September 1915
Corporal Walter FRUIN Woodchester, Glos. killed in action 30th April 1916
Private Charles William FRYER Painton,
Glos. killed in
action 4th April 1916
Private Alfred Denis
East Dean, Glos. killed in
action 25th September 1915
Private Gilbert James GAINER
died of wounds 26th September 1915
Private Frank Reginald GAPPER
killed in action 25th September 1915
L/Cpl James Christopher Lipscombe GAPPER Cheltenham killed in action 25th September 1915
Private Norman GARDNER Harefield, Glos. killed in action 21st March 1916
Sergeant Horace
killed in action 25th September 1915
L/Corporal Ernest GEE Birmingham died of wounds 14th October 1915
2nd Lieut. Eric Coe GEORGE killed by accident 15th September 1915
Captain Ivan Richard
killed in action 25th September 1915
Private Reginald William GILDER Childs Wickham, Glos. killed in action 25th September 1915
Private William Alfred GLEED Gloucester killed in action 25th September 1915
Private John GOODALL Southam killed in action 13th October 1915
Private James GOODMAN Taunton killed in action 25th September 1915
Sergeant James Bosney GORE Bristol killed in action 25th September 1915
L/Corpl Albert George GOSTLOW
killed in action 25th September 1915
Corporal Wallace
Minchinhampton died of wounds 27th
September 1915
Private Ernest Alfred GRIFFIN
killed in action 25th September 1915
Private Frederick GRIFFITHS Westbury, Glos. killed in action 4th April 1916
Private Joseph GRINNELL Pershore killed in action 13th October 1915
Pte Frederick Stephen GROVES Hawling,
Glos. killed in action 25th September 1915
Private Edward William HAIGH Coventry killed in action 25th September 1915
Private David HAIL East dean, Glos. died of wounds 9th October 1915
Private Frank Thomas HAILE Glamorgan killed in action 25th September 1915
Private Frederick Richard HALL Kingscote killed in action 25th September 1915
Segeant Thomas
killed in action 25th September 1915
Private George Henry HANKS Horsley,
Glos. killed in action 25th
September 1915
Private Richard Hubert HANKS
died of wounds 4th December 1915
A/Corporal Albert
Prestbury killed in
action 5th October 1915
Private Joseph Frederick HARDING Birmingham killed in action 13th October 1915
L/Corporal John HARDWICK Worcs. killed in action 13th October 1915
Pte Frederick
West Dean,
died 23rd March 1916
L/Corporal Frederick HARRIS Birmingham killed in action 25th September 1915
L/Corporal Leonard Benjamin HARRIS Gloucester killed in action 25th September 1915
L/Corporal Arthur HARRISON
killed in action 25th September 1915
Private William Sidney HART Worcs.
killed in action 25th
September 1915
Pte Francis Clare HAWKINS
killed in action 25th September 1915
Private William John HAWKINS Birmingham killed in action 25th September 1915
Pte David
killed in action 25th September 1915
Private Ernest William HEAD Somerset killed in action 25th September 1915
Private William Charles HEDGES Campden, Glos. killed in action 25th September 1915
Private Walter John HICKS Wilts. killed in action 25th September 1915
Pte Albert Edward HIGGINS
killed in action 25th September 1915
Private Arthur
killed in action 25th September 1915
Private Harry HILL Worcs. killed in action 25th September 1915
Private Herbert HITCHCOX Oxon killed in action 25th September 1915
Private Frank Wilford HODGKINS Cheltenham killed in action 25th September 1915
Private Frederick HODSON Birmingham killed in action 25th September 1915
Private Frank Albert HOGG Whitehill, Glos. killed in action 25th September 1915
Private Henry William HOLDEN Birmingham killed in action 25th September 1915
Private Ernest HOLFORD
Longhope, Glos. killed in action 25th
September 1915
Private Richard HOLLOWAY Worcs. killed in action 13th October 1915
Private Frederick HOMER Staffs killed in action 25th September 1915
Private Thomas HOPKINS Birmingham killed in action 25th September 1915
Private William JOHN HORTON Birmingham killed in action 25th September 1915
Private Arthur
killed in action 19th April 1916
Private Arthur
killed in action 13th October 1915
Private George William HUNT Upper Slaughter died of wounds 18th March 1916
Corporal William INGLES D.C.M. Campden, Glos. killed in action 13th October 1915
Private Ernest INGRAM Birmingham killed in action 13th October 1915
Pte Frederick James IRELAND Painswick,
Glos. killed in action 13th October 1915
Pte John Francis IRELAND
Painswick, Glos. killed in action 13th October 1915
Private Ted JACKLYN Wotton-u-edge killed in action 25th September 1915
L/Corporal Evan James JEFFERIES Bristol killed in action 25th September 1915
Lieut. Charles Lambert
killed in action 15th June 1916
Private Ernest Alfred JONES West Dean, Glos. killed in action 25th September 1915
Private William JONES Cheltenham killed in action 13th October 1915
L/Corporal Percy JORDAN Lydney, Glos. killed in action 16th June 1916
Pte Joseph Sydney KING
died of wounds 18th October 1915
Pte Charles Robert KINGSTON
killed in action 4th April 1916
Private Thomas LADBROOK Stow, Glos. died of wounds 5th October 1915
Private Francis LANE Pershore killed in action 13th October 1915
Private George
Newmarket killed in action 13th
October 1915
Pte Albert Edward LEACH Northleach
killed in action 25th September 1915
Private William LEAMAN Birmingham killed in action 25th September 1915
2nd Lieut. George Godfrey
killed in action 25th September 1915
Corporal Herbert Horace
died of wounds 26th September 1915
Corporal William Edward LEE London killed in action 13th October 1915
Private Charles Frederick LEWIS Middlesex killed in action 19th April 1916
Pte Walter Edward LITTLEFIELD
died of wounds 3rd October 1915
Private Albert LOCKEY Lower Hampden,
died of wounds 3rd October 1915
Private Arthur Granville LOCKEY Cheltenham killed in action 25th September 1915
L/Corporal Ernest George LOCKEY East Ampney, Glos. died of wounds 27th September 1915
Private Frank Thomas LONG Gotherington killed in action 25th September 1915
Sergeant Walter Joseph LONG Leonard
killed in action 25th September 1915
Private Arthur LOVE Berkeley, Glos. died of wounds 29th September 1915
Private Albert Howard LOVELL Wickwar, Glos. died 2nd May 1916
Pte Edmund John MAISEY
killed in action 13th October 1915
Private John Douglas MARTIN Cheltenham killed in action 13th October 1915
Pte Joseph Noel MARTIN
killed in action 5th May 1916
Pte Alfred
killed in action 13th October 1915
Private George MAYALL Prestbury killed in action 25th September 1915
Corporal Arthur Blackford MAYO Gloucester killed in action 25th September 1915
Private Horace Clive MERRICK Birmingham killed in action 25th September 1915
Private William George MILES Gloucester killed in action 17th June 1915
Private Thomas MOORE Runcorn killed in action 25th September 1915
Private Albert MORGAN Lydney, Glos. killed in action 25th September 1915
Captain Edward Hampton
killed in action 25th September 1915
Corporal Bernard Alfred MOSSOP Staffs. killed in action 11th October 1915
Pte William Charles Alfred MUNDY Oxon killed in action 25th September 1915
Private James MUNT Oxon killed in action 25th September 1915
Private Charles MURRELL Little Dean, Glos. killed in action 25th September 1915
L/Corporal George Harold NASH Gloucester killed in action 19th December 1915
L/Corporal Thomas NASH Birmingham killed in action 25th September 1915
2nd Lieut. Percy Vincent Nigel NEEMS killed in action 9th October 1916
Lieut. Ralph Albert
killed in action 18th April 1916
Private Arthur NOAD Gossington, Glos. killed in action 13th October 1915
L/Corporal Thomas NORMAN Bristol killed in action 25th September 1915
Leonard Percival NOYES
killed in action 13th October 1915
killed in action 25th September 1915
Watford, Beds. killed in action 25th
September 1915
Private Thomas PAGE Somerset killed in action 12th June 1916
Naunton, Glos killed in
action 25th September 1915
Private George PARTLOW Stow killed in action 25th September 1915
Private James Henry PAY Kent killed in action 13th October 1915
Private David PAYNE Herts. killed in action 13th October 1915
Pte William Arthur PEART Arle
killed in
action 13th October 1915
Private Alonzo PEGLER Horsley, Glos. killed in action 25th September 1915
Corporal John Charles PEGLUM Essex killed in action 13th October 1915
Private John PERROTT Somerset killed in action 13th October 1915
Private Frederick James PERRY Staffs. killed in action 25th September 1915
Private Thomas
killed in action 25th September 1915
Private Arthur PHILLIPS Cinderford, Glos. killed in action 25th March 1916
Private Albert James PHILLIPS Forest of Dean killed in action 13th October 1915
Private James PIERCE Limerick 2nd January 1916
Private Henry
killed in action 13th October 1915
Private John PRICE Leicester killed in action 25th September 1915
Private William PUSEY Bucks. killed in action 1st October 1915
L/Cpl Henry Edward RAVEN
died of wounds 27th September 1915
Private Frederick REEVES Cam, Glos. killed in action 25th September 1915
Private Albert James RICHARDS Birmingham killed in action 25th September 1915
Private Thomas RICHARDS Lydney, Glos. killed in action 25th September 1915
Private George Herbert RICHINGS Tyfield, Glos. killed in action 30th June 1916
Private Thomas Arthur RIDDING Birmingham killed in action 25th September 1915
A/Cpl William Albert RIGSBY
killed in action 13th October 1915
Private William
killed in action 25th September 1915
George Ernest ROBINSON Cheltenham
killed in action 25th September 1915
Lieut. Geffrey Wathen
killed in action 25th September 1915
Private Levi ROWLEY Staffs. killed in action 25th September 1915
Private Henry RUMBOLD Longborough killed in action 25th September 1915
Lieut. Harley Raymond RUSSELL killed in action 13th October 1915
Edward Hanson
killed in action 25th September 1915
L/Cpl Cyril Walker SANDFORD
killed in action 25th September 1915
Private William Thomas SARGENT Wotton-u-edge killed in action 25th September 1915
Private Reginald SAWYER Horsley, Glos. killed in action 13th October 1915
Sgt. John Franklin SEABRIGHT Winchcombe died of wounds 1st October 1915
Private Sidney William SEALEY Leamington killed in action 25th September 1915
Sgt. Maurice SELBY Bristol killed in action 25th September 1915
Pte Frank Allem SHILHAM
killed in action 13th October 1915
Private Joseph Ewart SHIPWAY Minchinhampton killed in action 25th September 1915
Private Frederick Albert SIMMS Bleddington died of wounds 16th March 1916
Pte Thomas
Toddington killed in
action 25th September 1915
Corporal John Arthur SIMS Cardigan killed in action 25th September 1915
Private William Henry SKINNER Kent killed in action 25th September 1915
Pte Charles Alfred SMART India
killed in action 25th September
Private Charles Edward SMITH Birmingham killed in action 13th October 1915
Pte Frederick SMITH
killed in action 25th
September 1915
Private Frederick Samuel SMITH Bristol killed in action 25th September 1915
Pte Frederick William SMITH Beckford
killed in action 25th
September 1915
L/Cpl John SMITH Birmingham killed in action 13th October 1915
Private Thomas SMITH Mickleton killed in action 25th September 1915
Pte William Frank SMITH Edinburgh
killed in action 25th September
Pte William Frank SMITH
died of wounds 8th October 1915
Private Walter Joseph SMITH Birmingham killed in action 25th September 1915
Private William SOLWAY Tiverton, Glos. killed in action 13th October 1915
Private Arthur William SPENCER Northleach, Glos. killed in action 25th September 1915
Private Ralph STAHR Oxford killed in action 13th October 1915
L/Cpl Walter Edwin STANILAND Abingdon killed in action 25th September 1915
Sgt. Edgar William STEPHENS Winchcombe killed in action 20th April 1916
Pte Ernest Henry STEWART Winchcombe killed in
action 13th October 1915
Private Alfred STITSON Plymouth killed in action 30th June 1916
Private Felix STOCKWELL Maidstone killed in action 14th March 1916
Clement Aubrey
killed in action 25th September 1915
Private Ernest George TANNER Whiteshill, Glos. killed in action 19th April 1916
Pte Bertram
Draycott, Glos. killed in action 25th September
L/sgt James Henry TAYLOR
killed in action 25th September 1915
Sgt William Henry TAYLOR Milkwalk,
killed in action 11th April 1916
Sgt. William Henry THOMAS Blakeney, Glos killed in action 25th September 1915
Private William Herbert TIMPSON Bucks. killed in action 25th September 1915
Private William George TOMSETT Bicknor killed in action 25th September 1915
Captain John William Collis
killed in action 25th September 1915
Private Frank Arthur
Stroud, Glos.
killed in action 23rd May 1916
Cpl. William Vernard TOWNSEND
Watlinch, Glos killed in action
13th October 1915
L/Cpl. William John TRUMAN Fairford, Glos. killed in action 21st April 1916
A/Sgt. Thomas Wyndham TRUSSLER
died of wounds 27th October 1915
Private James WALDRON Salford killed in action 13th October 1915
L/Cpl. Joseph Henry WALKER Inniskilling died of wounds 25th September 1915
Private Henry Thomas WALL Herts. killed in action 13th October 1915
Pte. Frederick Charles WALLINGTON Gloucester killed in action 13th October 1915
Private Albert WARD Dorset killed in action 25th September 1915
Private Frank WATERS Mickleton, Glos. killed in action 25th September 1915
Pte James Albert WATTS
killed in action 30th June 1916
Private Trewren Daniel WATTS Dursley, Glos. died 28th June 1916
Private Walter Joseph WEBB Oxon killed in action 13th October 1915
Pte. William Edward WHEELER Kikdean
killed in action 13th October 1915
Lieut. Hartley Allen WHIFFIN killed in action 25th September 1915
Private John Edmund WHING Oxon killed in action 25th September 1915
L/Cpl. Alexander Milton WHITE Cambs. killed in action 13th October 1915
Private William WHITE Worcs. killed in action 8th October 1915
Pte Charles
killed in action 25th September 1915
Private Henry Joseph WILCOX Wickwar, Glos. killed in action 19th November 1915
Private Benjamin WILDING Worcester killed in action 25th September 1915
Pte. Frederick Benjamin WILLIAM
killed in action 16th June 1916
L/Cpl. Albert John WILLIAMS Winstone, Glos. killed in action 25th September 1915
Private Urbin WILLIAMS Coln, Glos. died of wounds 15th June 1916
Sgt. William WILLIAMS Gloucester killed in action 25th September 1915
Private William John WILLIAMS East Dean, Glos. killed in action 13th October 1915
Private James WILLOCK Birmingham killed in action 25th September 1915
Private Horace Edward WILSON Bucks. died of wounds 28th September 1915
Private William WILTSHIRE Bristol died of wounds 30th June 1916
Private Alfred Jesse WINTER Withington died of wounds 29th November 1915
Private Henry James WITNEY Middlesex killed in action 25th September 1915
Private George WOODIN Birmingham killed in action 25th September 1915
Private Albert WORLOCK Bristol died of wounds 26th May 1916
L/Cpl. Ernest William WRIGHT Mickleton, Glos killed in action 25th September 1915
L/Cpl. Sidney James WYMAN Stonehouse, Glos. died of wounds 9th October 1915
Pte Frank Charles WYNNIATT Stanway
killed in action 25th September 1915
Pte Ernest YOUNG Lynch, Glos. killed in action 25th September 1915
Private Ernest Albert
died of wounds 1st October 1915
Private Isaac YOUNG Glamorgan killed in action 25th September 1915
Private Thomas William YOUNG Eastcombe, Glos. killed in action 3rd January 1916
309 Officers and Men of this Battalion laid down their lives in the Loos Sector. Many more were to die on other battlefields.