KANE - Lieutenant Harold
Robert - South Lancashire Regt.
Killed in action at
Fort Itala, Zululand. 25th Sept. 1901. Aged 23. Born June 1878.
His outpost was attacked by several hundred Boers at midnight,
his last words were reported as, 'No Surrender!'.
KAY - Fleet-Paymaster
William Hobart Fendall - Royal Navy
Died of enteric at Ascension Island, on way home from South
Africa. 26th March 1900.
Memorial in St. Anne's Church, Portsmouth - "This tablet is
erected by Capt the hon Hedworth Lambton CB and the Officers and
Men of HMS Powerful in memory of Commander Alfd P. Ethelston RN
Fleet Paymaster, Wm H.F. Kay RN, Commander Fredk G. Egerton RN,
Lieutenant Edward Stabb RNR, the Non-Commissioned Officers, Petty
Officers and Men of the Naval Brigades of HMS Powerful who were
killed or died during the campaign in South Africa 1899-1900."
KEITH - Captain Clive
Skene - Imperial Yeomanry
Killed in action near Kroonstad. 29th May 1900. Aged 37. Born,
May 1863.
KEITH-FALCONER - Lieutenant-Colonel
Cecil Edward - 1/Northumberland Fusiliers
Killed in action near Belmont. 10th Nov. 1899. Aged 39. (Brother
below.) Eldest son of Major Charles J. Keith-Falconer (late 2nd
Life Guards) and grandson of the 7th Earl of Kintore. Born,
October 1860.
Lieutenant Victor Francis Alexander - 2/Somersetshire Light
Killed in action at Hussar Hill, near the Tugela. 21st Feb. 1900.
Aged 30. (Brother of the above.) Born, October 1869.
KELLY - Lieutenant J. P. -
Scottish Horse
Killed in action near Brakenlaagte. 31st Oct. 1901.
KELLY - Captain John -
5th Victorian M.I.
Wounded at Rhenoster Kop, 7th May 1901. Died 2 days later.
KEMBLE - Captain Charles
Morris - Army Service Corps
Died of enteric at Bloemfontein. 29th March 1900. Aged 29. Born,
June 1879. Married Freda Webber in September 1896.
Lieutenant Gerald Ernest - Army Service Corps
Died of enteric at Howick. 24th Feb. 1901. Aged 24. Born, March
Lord William Edwardes - 2nd Life Guards
Wounded at Houtnek, 30th April 1900. Died at Bloemfontein, 24th
June. Aged 31. He was the Fifth Baron Kensington. Born, July 1868.
KENT - Captain Frederick
Sidney - 2/East Yorkshire Regt.
Died of pneumonia at Pretoria. 22nd July 1900. Aged 28. Born,
November 1871.
KENYON - 2nd Lieutenant
William Henry - Liverpool Regt.
Died of enteric at No. 4 Stationary Hospital, Newcastle, 20th
July 1900. Aged 27. Born, October 1872.
KERANS - Lieutenant P. L. -
Robert's Horse
Died of enteric at Kroonstad. 8th June 1900.
KESWICK - Lieutenant
David Johnson - 12th Lancers
Killed in action at Poplar Drift, near Osfontein. 7th March 1900.
Aged 23. Son of W. Keswick, M.P. of Eastwick, Surrey.
KEY - Lieutenant John
Reynard - 2/East Yorkshire Regt.
Died at Thaba N'chu. 4th April 1901. Aged 23. Born, January 1878.
KIMBER - Lieutenant
Charles Dixon - Imperial Yeomanry
Killed in action at Wildfontein. 17th July 1901. Aged 37. Second
son of Henry Kimber, M.P., Putney. Born 24 October 1863. Educated
at Oxford, admitted as a solicitor. He was shot in the heart
while helping a dismounted sergeant.
KING - Captain John Boyd -
Kitchener's Fighting Scouts
Killed in action at Stellenbosch Vlei. 8th March 1901. Aged 38.
Eldest son of Hamilton King, of Ayr.
KING - 2nd Lieutenant
Walter Buchanan - 1/Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders
Killed in action at Magersfontein. 11th Dec. 1899. Aged 21. Born,
May 1878.
KINNEAR - 2nd Lieutenant
Robert Hill - 5th Dragoon Guards
Died of enteric at Ladysmith. 16th March 1900. Aged 21. Only son
of Robert Shiell Kinnear. Born, February 1879.
KIRK - Lieutenant -
Imperial Light Horse
Died at Rietfontein. 7th July 1900.
KIRK - Captain Maurice
Wrottesley - Royal Lancaster Regt.
Killed in action at Spion Kop. 24th Jan. 1900. Aged 33. Son of
Lieutenant-Colonel Kirk, born, April 1866. Husband of Mabel
KNAPP - Captain J. C. -
Imperial Light Horse
Killed in
action on patrol from Ladysmith. 3rd Nov. 1899. Aged 43.
KNOWLES - Lieutenant
Alfred Millington - 3rd Batt. Imperial Yeomanry
Killed in action at Rietfontein. 9th Aug. 1900. Aged 29. Son of
Robert Millington Knowles, of Nottinghamshire.
KNOWLES - Lieutenant
Malcolm - 1st (Royal) Dragoons
Wounded at Leeuwbosch, 24th March 1902. Died 4 days later. Aged
21. From Wycliffe, Darlington. Born, June 1881.
KORTRIGHT - Lieutenant
Mounteney - 3rd (Kind's Own) Hussars
Wounded at Rietfontein, 30th May 1900. Died at Johannesburg 21st
June. Aged 28. Son of the late Augustus Kortright, of Fryerning,
Essex. Born, June 1872.
Lieutenant R. McK. - 6th Vol. Batt. Gordon Highlanders
Killed in action at Spion Kop. 24th Jan. 1900.