NAPIER - Lieutenant Basil -
34th Co. Imperial Yeomanry
Died of wounds at Senekal. 28th Dec. 1900. Aged 21. Born June
1877. Son of Mark Napier. Grandson of Lord Napier (former
Ambassador to Russia and governor of Madras).
NEAVE - 2nd Lieutenant Arthur
Cormack - 1/Yorkshire Regt.
Killed in action near Paardeberg. 18th Feb. 1900. Aged 22. Served
in the New Zealand Local Military Forces first. Memorial at
Cheltenham, Gloucestershire - "This memorial is erected in memory
of those Cheltenham men, who, either as regulars, or volunteers,
died in their country's service, during the South African war,
and on the side panels hereof are recorded the names of those
Cheltenham men who volunteered, and served in the war... 2nd. Lts.
A.C. Neave (York.R.)... Unveiled by Lt. Gen.
Sir Ian Hamilton, K.C.B. 17th. July 1907. W. Nash Skillicorne,
NEILL - Lieutenant Colin Eric
Smith - Royal Engineers
Died of enteric at Pretoria. 17th Feb. 1901. Aged 24. Born August
NELLES - Lieutenant A. H. -
Commander-in-Chief's Bodyguard
Died of peritonitis at Bloemfontein. 29th Jan. 1901.
NESHAM - Lieutenant Thomas
Peere William - 38th Battery, Royal Field Artillery
Killed in action near Tweebosch. 7th
March 1902. Aged 21. Born May 1880.
Memorial at Ottosdal, South Africa - "Thomas Peere William Nesham.
Lieutenant Royal Field Artillery. Only son of the late Rear
Admiral Nesham and Constance, his wife. Born 2nd May 1880. Killed
while gallantly serving his guns. Tweebosch 7th March 1902. He
preferred Death to Surrender. This cross is placed by his mother
in loving memory."
NETHERCOTE - Lieutenant G.F.
- Kitchener's Horse
Died of enteric at Florida, South Africa. 1st June 1900.
NEWBURY - Captain Bertram
Archdale - Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry
Killed in action near Paardeberg. 18th Feb. 1900. Aged 35. Son of
Major T. Newbury. Born 1865. Served Nile 1884 (medal and bar,
Khedive's Star).
NEWNHAM - Lieutenant Percival
Forbes - Indian Staff Corps
Killed in action at Spion Kop. 24th Jan. 1900. Aged 29. Born June
1870. Attached to Thorneycroft's M.I. when killed.
NEUMEYER - Lieutenant L. -
Orange River Colony Police
Killed near Aliwal, North. 23rd Nov. 1900.
NOBLE - Captain Charles John
Herbert Hay - 2/Machester Regt.
Died of wounds at Schalkie Farm, Bethlehem. 12th Nov. 1901. Aged
31. Son of Colonel C.S. Noble, of Murrayfield, Edinburgh. Born
June 1870. Served Isazai 1892, Tirah 1897 (medal and 2 bars, MID).
Buried at Harrismith.
NOEL - Lieutenant B.C. -
Imperial Light Horse
Died of wounds at Oogvanmarico. 10th July 1901.
NOEL - Lieutenant Edward
William Middleton Noel - 2/Gloucestershire Regt.
Died of enteric at Bloemfontein. 19th May 1900. Aged 20. Son of
Colonel Frederick Noel (Royal Engineers). Born in 1880. Educated
at Cheltenham College.
NOKE - Lieutenant W.H.
- 7th Batt. Imperial Yeomanry
Killed in action at Vlakfontein. 29th May 1901. Aged 24. Son of
Major Edward Noke (1st Somerset Light Infantry), of Bath. Born 21st
June 1876. Served as a trooper with 48th Company I.Y. (bodyguard
to Field-Marshall Earl Roberts). Commissioned March 1901.
NORTH - Captain Louis Aylmer
- Manchester Regt.
Died of enteric at Kroonstad. 3rd Dec. 1901. Aged 35. Son of
North North, of Thurland Castle, Lancashire. Born April 1866.
Served Tirah 1897 (wounded). He was commanding 3rd Shorncliffe M.I.
Company when he died.
NORTHCOTT - Major Henry
Ponting, C.B. - Leinster Regt. (Royal Canadians)
Killed in action at Modder River. 28th
Nov. 1899. Aged 43. Son of Dr. W. Northcott, of Staines. Born
October 1856. Served Sherbo 1883 with the 2nd West India Regiment
(medal, MID), Zululand 1888, Ashanti 1896 (star), Gold Coast 1897-99
(CB, MID). He was buried close to the bank of the Modder River.
NORWOOD - Captain William
Blakeney - Royal Horse Artillery
Died, London of sunstroke from in South Africa. 28th Aug 1900.
Aged 35. Educated Cheltenham College. Born July 1865.