WATERLOO - 18th June 1815


Royal Horse Artillery

Captain George BEANE - Killed
Memorial at St Mary's Church, Richmond, London -  "Sacred to the memory of Major George Bean of the Royal Horse Artillery who was killed by a canon ball in the 26th year of his age at the head of his troop on the 18th June 1815 in the glorious battle of Waterloo. At the age of 17 he was, at his own request placed in the Royal Regiment of Artillery, served under Lord Nelson at the battle of Copenhagen and volunteered to accompany the Expedition which was sent out to cut the boats at Boulogne for which he received His Lorships public thanks. He also particularly distinguished himeslf under Sir David Baird and the Duke of Wellington in Spain where he was 17 times successfully engaged with the enemy but signalised himself principally at the battles of Vittoria, Orthes and Toulouse. Unhappily his military career terminated prematurely he fell, it is true, in the field of glory lamented by his surviving officers and men but alas left a widowed mother, an affectionate wife, with 2 infant children, to lament their irreparable loss. This monument is erected as a well merited tribute of maternal, conjugal and fraternal affection and as a memorial to his public and private worth."

2nd Captain Robert M. CAIRNES - Killed
2nd son of Major W. Cairnes, 39th Foot. Killed by a cannon ball. (Major Bull's Troop).
Memorial at Waterloo Memorial Church, Waterloo -
"In memoriam. Roberti Cairnes. Equitanis regii apud exercitum Britannicum. Sub Duce de Wellington, hellica tormenta agentis, Legati, Qui in Campo Waterlooiensi 18 Cal. Julii MDCCCXV acie fervente, occisus defletam commilitonibus et amicis luctuosam. Anno aetat Suae XXX mortem obiit. Fratri optimo et carifsimo Frater qui in praelio lateri adhaereas moribundi halitum suscepit supremum hoc marmor pietatis aeternae testimonium maerens ponere curavit."

Lieutenant Michael T. CROMIE - Died of wounds.
(Major Beane's Troop). Had both his legs taken off by one shot and died 20 June 1815 while undergoing amputation.

Captain William Norman RAMSAY - Killed
(Major Ramsay's Troop). From Edinburgh, son of Captain David Ramsay, RN. (died 18th Nov. 1818, aged 68) and Mary Ramsay. His brother, Lieutenant Alexander Ramsay (Royal Artillery) was killed at the Battle of New Orleans, America, 1st January 1815, aged 24.
Grave at Inveresk Kirkyard, Scotland -
"Sacred to the memory of Major William Norman Ramsay, of the Royal Horse Artillery, eldest son of Captain David Ramsay, Royal Navy; who, having served throughout the various campaigns in Holland, Egypt, Portugal, Spain, and France, from the year 1799, and distinguished himself in all, fell at the battle of Waterloo on the 18th of June 1815, aged 33. His remains, preserved through the affection of his brother officers and the support of his troop, were, to fulfil his own wish, removed to this place, and laid beside those of his beloved wife."

Lieutenant William Livingstone ROBE - Killed
Son of Colonel Sir William Robe (R.A.). (Major Ramsay's Troop)
Memorial at Waterloo -
"Erected by his Brother Officers this stone is in memory of Lieut. William Livingstone Robe of the British Royal Horse Artillery, son of Col. Sir W, Robe, KCB, KTS. He fell nobly at Waterloo 18th June 1815 aged 24 years. This was the ... time he had ... his country among which were Fuentes de Onor, Salamanca, ..., Nivelle and the Nive. He was known to and distinguished by Field Marshall The Duke of Wellington. Beloved by his friends and by his society and devoted to his Country His Parents and Family...."

Royal Artillery

Captain Samuel BOLTON - Killed
Killed near the end of the battle while directing fire on the Imperial Guards. (Captain Bolton's Brigade).

Captain William John LLOYD - Died of wounds.
(Major Lloyd's Brigade). Son of Major John Lloyd (46th Foot) and Corbetta Holcombe. Born 2 December 1778. Died at Brussels 29 July 1815 of his wounds.

Lieutenant Charles SPEARMAN - Died of wounds.
(Captain Bolton's Brigade). Eldest son of Charles Spearman, of Thornley Hall, co. Durham and Sarah Brooke. Died of his wounds at Brussels, 27 June 1815.

Lieutenant Robert MANNERS - died of wounds at Ligny 18th June 1815
(Major T. Roger's Brigade). Wounded at Ligny serving with Captain Cleeve's German Battery.
