Afghanistan 1878-80
British Infantry
2/7th Foot (Royal Fusiliers)
Major Thomas
Burton Vandaleur - Wounded
at Deh Khoja, 16th August 1880. died 26th
2nd Lieutenant Everard
Swaine Marsh
Killed at Deh Khoja, 16th August 1880. Second
son of Rev. William Marsh. He was born 8th
June 1858 in Essex. He joined the West Essex militia in 1877 and
Sandhurst in 1878. He was gazetted in 1879 and joined his
regiment in Bombay. He was killed trying to help 2nd Lieut. Wood,
who had been wounded.
Memorial at St.
Marys Church, Wethersfield, Essex - "The adjoining window was erected to the
memory of Everard Swaine Marsh, aged 22, second son of Rev. William
Marsh of the Manor House, Wethersfield. Lieutenant in the 7th Royal
Fusiliers; killed in the sortie from Kandahar whilst gallantly carrying
a wounded brother officer, August 16 1880."
2nd Lieutenant Frederick
Philip Forester Wood
Killed at Deh Khoja, 16th August 1880. Elder
son of Rev. Frederic Wood and Emily Pratt.
He was born 13th March 1857. After Sandhurst he was gazetted to
the 76th Foot in 1878. He then exchanged to the 2/7th Royal
Fusiliers in Bombay. He had led a bayonet charge and was shot 5
times, 2nd Lieut. Marsh attempted to rescue him but was also
Memorial at St.
Marys Church, Ewarton, Suffolk - "In memory of Fredk. Philip Foster Wood Lieutenant 7th
Royal Fusiliers. Elder son of the Reverend Frederick Wood Rector of
Edwarton with Woolverstone and Emily his wife. killed in action at
Kandahar in Afghanistan August 16th 1880 aged 23 years. This tablet has
been erected by friends and neighbours as a token of their esteem and
regret for his early death and of sympathy with his sorrowing family."
Nicholas Cuthbert Wiseman
Killed at Fatehabad 2nd April 1879. He
purchased a commission in 1861 and was killed
while capturing an enemy standard at Futtehabad.
51t Foot (King's
Own Light Infantry)
2nd Lieutenant Benjamin Smith Thurlow
Killed near Jagdalak 22nd March 1880. Third
son of George Thurlow, of Suffolk. He was
born 23rd July 1858. After Sandhurst he was gazetted to the 58th
Foot in 1878. Wishing to go to India he transferred to the 51st
Foot. He was shot and killed by bandits while riding to a post
near Jagdalak.
66th Foot
- (10
officers and 272 men were killed at Maiwand)
Lieutenant-Colonel James
Killed at Maiwand 27th July 1880. Fifth
son of Samuel and Susannah, of Co. Tyrone.
After Sandhurst he was gazetted in 1851 with the 66th Foot and
served in Canada and East India. He commanded the 66th at Girishk
in 1880 and died at Maiwand, he was seen kneeling with a Colour
in one hand rallying the men for a last stand.
Captain Francis James
Killed at Maiwand 27th July 1880. Fourth son of Francis
Cullen, of Corry, Co. Leitrim. Born in Corry, 7th September 1844,
educated at Sandhurst, gazetted to the 1st West India Regiment in
1865. After service in Jamaica and Africa he joined the 66th Foot
in India and was killed at Maiwand.
Captain Ernest Stephen
Killed at Maiwand 27th July 1880. Eldest
son of Rev. Samuel and Loetitia Garratt. He
was born 28th September 1845. In 1865 he was commissioned in the
66th Foot. He was shot in the head and killed at Maiwand.
Captain Walter Roberts
Killed at Maiwand 27th July 1880. Third
son of Major-General Howland Roberts (HEICS).
He was born at Haiderabad. Educated at Cheltenham College and
Sandhurst, he was gazetted to the 3rd West India Regiment in 1865.
After serving in West Africa and West Indies his Regiment was
disbanded in 1870 and he exchanged to the 66th Foot. He was
wounded at Maiwand and died during the battle.
Lieutenant Richard Trevor
Killed at Maiwand 27th July 1880. Youngest
son of Richard Chute, of Chute Hall, Co.
Kerry. He was born in Kerry on 17th September 1856 and
commissioned in 1877. He was among the men who made the last
stand at Maiwand.
Lieutenant Maurice Edward
Killed at Maiwand 27th July 1880. Second son of Lloyd Rayner,
a Liverpool merchant. He was born 16th September 1857. In 1875 he
was commissioned in the 66th Foot. He was badly wounded during
the battle and his body was found by the garden where the last
stand took place.
Memorial at Harrow School Chapel - "In memory of Maurice Edward Rayner Lieut
& Adjutant 66th Regt fell at Nakud Afghanistan. Born Sep 16 1857
Died Jul 27 1880."
2nd Lieutenant Henry James Barr
Killed at Maiwand 27th July 1880. Youngest son of
Barr, Bombay Staff Corps. He was born in Brighton, 7th January
1861. He trained for the Indian Civil Service but then decided to
join the army. After Sandhurst he joined the 66th Foot in January
1880. He was shot dead while carrying the Colour at Maiwand.
2nd Lieutenant Arthur Honywood
Killed at Maiwand 27th July 1880. Fourth
son of Sir Courtenay Honywood and Anne
Paynter, of London. He was born in 1860 and after Sandhurst was
gazetted to the 66th Foot in 1879. He was shot in the leg early
in the battle of Maiwand and went to the garden where he was
killed defending the Queen's Colour in the final stand.
Memorial at St.
James Church, Elmsted, Kent - "To the dear memory of Arthur Honywood, Lieut. 66th
Regt. 4th son of Sir Courtenay Honywood of Evington Place. Killed at
the age of 19 while carrying the Queen's Colour at the Battle of
Maiwand, Afghanistan July 27th 1880 when already badly wounded he held
the colours above his head and called on the men to rally with the
words - What shall we do to save these - the next moment the fatal shot
came. This widow is erected by his loving relations."
2nd Lieutenant Walter
Rice Olivey
Killed at Maiwand 27th July 1880. Second son of Lieut-Colonel
W. Olivey (Chief Paymaster, Army Pay Dept.) and Elizabeth
Goodfellow. He was born 19th March 1860 in Sydney, New South
Wales. After Sandhurst he was gazetted to the 66th Foot in 1879.
He was badly wounded early in the battle while holding the
Queen's Colour but refused to give it up. He was last seen in the
garden still defending the Colours. His brother, Capt. Herbert Edward
Olivey, Suffolk Regt, was killed in Somaliland in 1903.
Memorial at St.
Mylors Church, Mylor, Cornwall - "In loving memory of Walter Rice Olivey, Lieut. 66th
Regt. son of Lieut.Col. W.R. Olivey, Army Pay Department, who was
killed while carrying the Queen's Colour of his regiment at the Battle
of Maiwand, Afghanistan, on the 27th July 1880, aged 20."
Colonel Francis Brownlow
Killed at Kandahar 1st September 1880. Eldest
son of William and Charlotte, he was born
19 July 1836. He joined the 72nd Highlanders as an Ensign in 1854
and served in the Crimea. In 1857 he went with his Regiment to
the Indian Mutiny. He married Effie Constance in 1878. He was
killed at Kandahar, 1st Sept. 1880.
Captain St. John Thomas
Killed at Kandahar 1st September 1880. Only
son of General Frome, Royal Engineers, and
Jane Light. Joined the 72nd Regt. in 1861 and served at Peiwar
Kotal (mentioned in despatches) and Charasiah, Kabul and the
march to Kandahar. He was killed leading his men in the battle at
Captain Nathaniel James
Killed at Kabul 14th December 1879. Third son of Nathaniel
Spens, of Fife, and Janet Guild. He was born 3rd March 1845 and
gazetted to the 72nd Highlanders in 1864. He was killed during
the storming of the Asmai heights and buried at Sherpur, the
pipers playing 'Lochaber no more' as he was lowered to his grave.
Sir Frederick Roberts wrote to his family that had he lived he
would have been recommended for the Victoria Cross.
Lieutenant Cecil Henry
Killed at Kabul 14th December 1879. Eldest son of Lieut-Colonel
Gaisford (72nd Highlanders). He was born at Galway, 20th
September 1856 and was gazetted in 1876. In 1874 he been awarded
the Royal Humane Society medal for gallantry in saving life. He
fought at Peiwar Kotal in 1878 and at Charasiah in 1879. On 14
December he led a company in the storming of the Asmai heights
when he was killed. He was buried at Sherpur.
92nd Foot
(Gordon Highlanders)
Lieutenant St. John
William Forbes
Killed at Kabul 13th December 1879. Third
son of Lieut-Colonel John Forbes and Lucy
Whitmore. He was born at Malvern Link, 20th January 1856.
Gazetted 1873 to the 72nd Highlanders. He joined the 92nd for the
Afghan campaign and was at Ali Khel in 1879. He was at Charasiah,
Kabul and the expedition to Maidan. On 13th Dec. he led his men
to the summit of Takht-i-Shah and was protecting the body of
Colour-Sergeant James Drummond when he was shot through the head.
Indian Infantry
8th Bengal Native Infantry
Jemadar Bahadar Khan - killed at Kam Dakka - 15th January 1880
21st (Punjab) Bengal Native Infantry
Subedar Bhagel Sing - killed at Badesh-Khel - 28th June 1879
23rd (Punjab)
Bengal Native Infantry (Pioneers)
Major Alexander Dunlop Anderson
at Peiwar Kotal 2nd December 1878.
Killed while
leading skirmishers against and
advanced enemy position. The third son of Dr. A. Dunlop Anderson,
a doctor in Glasgow and ex-surgeon of the 49th Foot. He was born
3rd Feb. 1841 in Glasgow and was educated at Cheltenham College.
1858 commissioned. Served in Abyssinia in 1868 and was mentioned
in despatches. He was buried in a grave with Captain Kelso, Royal
Artillery, in the Peiwar range.
27th (Punjab)
Bengal Native Infantry
Major Henry Holwell Birch
at Ali Musjid 21st November 1878. Youngest son of Lieut-Colonel
F.W. Birch (41st
Foot), who was killed in the Indian Mutiny in 1857. He was born
in India 2nd September 1837. After school in England he was in
India during the Mutiny and served in the Defence of the
Residency at Lucknow. He served with 27th B.N.I. in China in 1861
and in the Lushai expedition 1871-2 and Jowaki in 1877. At Ali
Musjid on the 21st Nov. 1878 he went forward to assist a wounded
Officer of the 14th Sikhs and was shot through the heart.
His body was taken to Peshawar for burial - "Sacred to the
memory of Major Henry Holwell Birch. Bengal Staff Corps. who fell
on 21 November 1878 when in command of the 27th Punjab Infantry
and gallantly leading an assault on the enemy's redoubts in front
of Ali Musjid in the Khyber Pass."
Lieutenant Thomas Otho Fitzgerald
at Ali Musjid 21st November 1878. Son of the 'Knight of Glin', he
was born at Glin Castle, Co. Limerick 23rd February 1849. After
Sandhurst he gazetted in 1869 to the 19th Foot. After entering
the Bengal Staff Corps he joined the 27th Punjab Infantry and
served in the Jowaki expedition 1877-8. His regiment took part in
the attack on Ali Musjid and was shot though the chest while
attending to a fallen officer. His body was buried at Peshawar 3
days later.
Memorial at Peshawar - "Sacred to the memory of Lieut. T. Otto
Fitzgerald 27th Punjab Infantry who was killed at Ali Musjid on
the 21st November 1878 When he was endevouring to recover the
body of his Commanding Officer Major Birch."
31st (Punjab) Bengal Native Infantry
Lieutenant Frederick Canning Cortlandt
at Fort Battye 26th March 1880. Only son of Lieut. Frederick
Angelo, 16th Grenadiers, Bengal Army (who was killed at Cawnpore
in June1857). He was born 21 September 1857 in Calcutta. After
Sandhurst he was gazetted in 1874. He was killed during the
defence of Fort Battye.
45th (Rattray's
Sikhs) Bengal Native Infantry
Francis Miles Barclay
at Maidanak, 17 March 1879. died, Landi Kotal, 1 April. Sixth son
of Surgeon-General Charles Barclay, Madras Army. Born in 1855 at
Quilon, Southern India. Joined the army in 1875 and qualified for
the Political Department. On the 17th March 1879 he was
commanding an escort for a surveying party under Captain Leach,
Royal Engineers, when the group was attacked. Barclay was shot in
the shoulder, the bullet penetrating his lung. He died several
days later. For rescuing the wounded Barclay, Capt. Leach was
awarded the Victoria Cross.
5th Gurkah
Major John Cook, V.C.
at Kabul, 12th December 1879. died at Sherpur, 19th December.
Second son of Alexander Cook, a Scottish Advocate and Sheriff. He
was born in Edinburgh in August 1843. After Addiscombe he joined
the 3rd Sikhs and was mentioned in despatches for leading a
bayonet charge during the Umbeyla campaign. In 1873 he joined the
5th Goorkhas. Awarded the VC for Peiwar Kotal, 2nd December 1878.
At Kabul he fought alongside his brother, Lieutenant Walter Cook,
3rd Sikhs and was shot in the chest.
Plaque in St. Lukes Church, Abbottabad - "In memory of Major
John Cook, VC 5th Goorkhas who died on 19th December 1879 of a
wound received near Cabul. This tablet is erected by his brother
officers, as a token of respect for his character as a man and
their admiration of his great courage as a soldier."
Captain Charles Folliott Powell
at Sapari Pass, 13th December 1878. died 18th December. Youngest
son of Captain Scott Powell (23rd Royal Welsh Fusiliers). He was
born in 1844 and gazetted to the 96th Foot in 1864. Joining the
Bengal Staff Corps he was posted to the 5th Goorkhas. On the
march from Ali Khel to Fort Kuram, he was with the baggage guard,
which was attacked on the 13th December 1878. He was wounded and
died five days later.
Subadar-Major Bhageeram Gurung - killed in an explosion at Bala Hissar 14th October 1879
Bengal Commissariat Department
Edmund Palmer
at Hisarak, 14th April 1880. died 15th April. Eldest son of
Edmund Palmer, Royal Artillery. He was born 10th February 1851 in
St. Helena. After Sandhurst he was commissioned in the 1st Buffs
in 1870. He joined the Bengal Staff Corps and in 1875 was posted
to the 41st Bengal N.I. He was wounded at Hisarak and died the
next day.
Medical Service
Surgeon Ambrose Hamilton Kelly
at Kabul 3rd September 1879. Eldest son of William Kelly, of
Dublin. He was born 30th September 1845 and studied medicine and
surgery in Dublin. In 1869 he was commissioned to the Bengal
Medical Service and served in the Lushai expedition. He was
posted to the 1st Punjab Infantry in 1872. He was selected to
join the Embassy to Kabul and was killed during the defence of
the Residency.
Surgeon William Beatty Smyth
at Chapri 25th June 1879. Third son of William
Smyth, of Strabane. Educated at Trinity College, Dublin, he was
an award winning scholar. In 1877 he was commissioned to the
Indian Medical Service and joined the 8th Bengal N.I. In 1878 he
was posted to No.7 Co. Bengal Sappers and Miners. At Chapri he
was murdered by a thief who he had chased from his tent in the
Corps of Guides Infantry, Punjab Frontier Force
Subadar Jowala Sing - wounded at Kabul, 14th December 1879. died 18th December.
Subadar Rup Sing - killed at Kabul 14th December 1879
Jemadar Jung Bahadur - wounded at Kabul, 23rd December 1879. died 24th December.
Jemadar Mehtab Sing - killed at Kabul 3rd September 1879
1st Punjab Infantry, Punjab Frontier Force
Captain Howe Frederick Showers
between Chappar and Quetta 14th March 1880. Eldest
son of Major-General Sir George Showers. In
1861 he was gazetted to the 104th Fusiliers in India. In 1872 he
transferred to the 1st Punjab N.I. He was then appointed to the
Intelligence Department and was in the habit of riding with a few
men along unknown tracks to prepare plans. While riding between
Chappar and Quetta he was killed on 14th March 1880.
4th Punjab
Infantry, Punjab Frontier Force
Lieutenant Thomas John
O'Dwyer Renny
at Zaimukht, 14th December 1879. died 15th December. Third
son of Colonel Robert Renny, CB (Bengal
Staff Cops) and Caroline Franklin. He was born 15th August 1846
at Masuri, in the Himalayas. In 1868 he was commissioned to the
36th Foot. After studying languages he joined the Bengal Staff
Corps and was posted to the 4th Punjab N.I. He was badly wounded
while forcing the Zawa Pass and died the next day. He was buried
at Kohat.
5th Punjab Infantry, Punjab Frontier Force
Subadar-Major Aziz Khan Bahadur - wounded at Peiwar, 28th November 1878. died 5th January 1879.
Jemadar Khani Mulla - killed at Charasiah 6th October 1879
Captain Frederick
Theophilus Goad
at Sapari Pass, 13th Dec. 1878. died 14th December. Second son of
Major Samuel Goad (3rd Bengal Cavalry) and Emma Davidson. He was
born 25th August 1842 at Simla and educated in England. He was
gazetted to the 72nd Highlanders in 1861, joined the 45th Foot
and served in Abyssinia. In 1865 he entered the Bengal Staff
Corps and was with the Hyderabad Contingent, serving as 2nd in
Command of the 5th Infantry Regiment. In 1877 he married
Katherine Elsdale. He was in charge of a baggage train going from
Ali Khel to Fort Kuram when it was attacked. He was shot in the
legs and his left leg was amputated. He died the next day and was
buried near Kuram Fort.
1st Bombay Native Infantry
Charles William Hinde
at Maiwand - 27th July 1880.
Adjutant of
the regiment, he was killed at Maiwand. Son of Major-General John
Hinde, CB (8th Foot).
Memorial at Powick church,
Worcestershire - "In
loving memory of Lt. & Adjt. Charles
William Hinde, 1st Bombay Grenadiers, second son of Major Genl.
Hinde, CB & Frances his wife, who was killed in action at
Maiwand, Afghanistan on the 27th July 1880, in the 31st year of
his age. He died as he had always lived, in the faithful
execution of his duty."
Lieutenant Clement George Whitby
at Maiwand 27th July 1880. Eldest son of Dr. Whitby,
of Leamington. He was born in 1854 and educated at Wellington and
then Keble College, Oxford. In 1874 he was commissioned in the 17th
Foot. He then joined the Bombay Staff Corps and was posted to the
4th Bombay N.I. He founded the 'Kandahar News' and wrote for the
'Times of India'. He commanded the baggage guard at Maiwand and
after fighting off two attacks he joined the survivors of the
battle heading for Kandahar. When within sight of the walls he
was shot in the head and killed.
Subadar-Major Bhewa Pallow - killed at Maiwand 27th July 1880
Subadar Hurree Purrub - killed at Maiwand 27th July 1880
Subadar Ragnac Mhadnac - killed at Maiwand 27th July 1880
Subadar Shaik Hoosain - killed at Maiwand 27th July 1880
Jemadar Budun Sing - killed at Maiwand 27th July 1880
Jemadar Gungadeen Tumbolee - killed at Maiwand 27th July 1880
Jemadar Lalla Doolichund - killed at Maiwand 27th July 1880
Jemadar Narayan Lode - killed at Maiwand 27th July 1880
16th Bombay Native Infantry
Henry William Seymour - killed at Kach - 16th August 1880
Listed as
killed, but another source states 'wounded at Kach'.
19th Bombay
Native Infantry
Major Richard John Le Poer Trench
at Deh Khojah 16th August 1880. Youngest son of Rev. John
Trench. He was born in
1843 in Ireland and educated at Cheltenham College. Gazetted to
the 24th Bombay N.I. in 1859. He was appointed Quartermaster to
the 19th Bombay N.I. and killed at Deh Khoja when shot in the
back of the head.
Major Sidney James Waudby
Killed at Dabrai 16th April 1880. Son of Rev. W. Waudby. He was
born in 1840 at Kentish Town and commissioned in 1858 to the 19th
Bombay N.I. He was a keen hunter in India. In 1875 he married
Mary Attwood. He was commanding a small post at Dabrai when it
was attacked by 300 enemy natives. His small group of defenders
held out for 3 hours until out of ammunition. Then he and his two
remaining sepoys charged with bayonets into the mass of their
attackers and were cut down. His grave was honoured by his
enemies as 'no braver men ever lived than the Englishman who lies
buried there.'
Memorial in Bombay - "This road is named after Major Sidney James
Waudby who with Private Elami Bux and Private Sonnak Tannak all
of the 19th Bo. Infy. fell on the 16th April 1880 in defence of
the Dubrai Post in Afghanistan which, when warned that an attack
in force was imminent they refused to abandon and most gallantly
held for 3 hours against 300 of the enemy, many of whom were
slain, eventually when all their ammunition was expended they
dashed into the midst of their foes and died fighting. In honour
of their heroism this tablet is placed by the Regiment."
Lieutenant Francis Charles Stayner
at Deh Khojah 16th August 1880. Second son of James Stayner,
of Somerset. He was
born 27th July 1854 and educated at Trinity College, Cambridge.
After qualifying for the legal profession he went to Sandhurst
and in 1876 was gazetted to the 5th Fusiliers in Bengal. He
joined the Bombay Staff Corps and was posted to the 19th Bombay N.I.
At Deh Khoja he was shot and killed.
28th Bombay
Native Infantry
Lieutenant-Colonel William
Henry Newport
at Deh Khojah 16th August 1880. Second son of Major Christopher
Newport (Bombay Army). He was born in Bombay and educated at
Cheltenham College. In 1855 he was gazetted to the 3rd Europeans
and served in the Mutiny. He carried the Queen's Colour at Baroda
and was wounded at Lohari. Posted to the 18th Bombay N.I he
served in Abyssinia (1867). In 1868 he married Caroline Clarke,
of Cheltenham. He was shot in the chest during the attack on Deh
Khoja and died soon after.
30th Bombay
Native Infantry (Jacob's Rifles)
Captain Hugh Frederick Smith
at Maiwand 27th July 1880. Younger son of Hugh and
Julia Smith, of London. He was born 28th June 1846 and after
Sandhurst he was gazetted to the 88th Foot in 1866. In 1870 he
joined the Bombay Staff Corps and was posted to Jacob's Rifles.
He was killed by a shell burst early in the battle of Maiwand.
Lieutenant Duncan Cole
Killed at Maiwand 27th July 1880. Born 8th May 1859, second son of Charles
Cole, ex-paymaster of the Indian Navy and Consul for the Indian
Government at Jiddah. After Sandhurst he joined the Bombay and
Madras Staff Corps and joined the 30th Bomaby N.I. At Maidan he
commanded 2 companies and was killed by a round shot.
Lieutenant William Napier
at Maiwand 27th July 1880. Eldest and only son of Lieut-Colonel H.
Justice (Madras Staff Corps) and Isabella Caroline Oxley. He was
born 6th January 1858 in Singapore. He was educated at Cheltenham
College and gazetted to the 2/17th Foot in 1876. He joined the
Bombay Staff Corps and was posted to the 21st Bombay N.I. In 1879
he joined Jacob's Rifles and was killed at Maiwand.
Subadar Dewjee Kopekur - killed at Maiwand 27th July 1880
Subadar Krishnajee Bhagway - killed at Maiwand 27th July 1880
Jemadar Mehtab Sing - wounded at Maiwand, 27th July 1880. died of wounds.
Jemadar Moossa Khan - killed at Maiwand 27th July 1880