Grenadier Guards
"To the memory of DANIEL BAKER 3rd Batt Grenadier Guards April 1856."
"Sacred to the memory of J. DUNSTER . J. PATMORE . E. HITCH . 3rd Battalion Grenadier Gds Killed Sep 6th 1855."
"Sacred to the memory of Serjt. WM HARDING 3rd Batt Gr Gds Died 6th of August 1855."
E. HITCH - see J. Dunster.
"SAMUEL LITTLE 6 C 3 B G.G. Aged 26."
J. PATMORE - see J. Dunster.
"Sacred to the memory of Serjt. RT RUSSEL 3d Battn Gr Gds Died 29th Augt 1855."
"Sacred to the memory of Corpl SN STNNINGS 3 B. Grenr Gds Died 26th July 1855."
"W. WALTON 3rd Batt Gier Gds 1855."
"Sacred to the memory of Sejt. JAS WARRIN Grenr Guards 4th Augst 1855."
Coldstream Guards
WM BETTS - see Saml. Goodrem.
"Sacred to the memory of Serjt. G. BOULTON 1st Bn Coldstream Gds Killed in the Trenches 22nd August 1855."
"Sacred to the memory of Serjt. W. BURROWS 1st Bn Coldstream Gds who died 1st Decr 1855."
"Sacred to the memory of SAML GOODREM also WM BETTS Coldm Guards that was killed in the Redan Novr 14th 1855."
"JAMES FACEY Coldm Guards August 5th 1855."
"Sacred to the memory of SAMUEL KENYON who departed this life 25th Novebr 1855 Coldm. Guards."
"Sacred to the memory of JAMES KILLICK 1st Bn. Coldstream Gds who died May 2nd 1856."
"Sacred to the memory of ROBT. MAYS Coldm Gds who departed this life 29th March 1856."
"Sacred to the memory of Serjt. J. PAGE 1st Bn Cm Gds Died 1st Decr 1855."
"Sacred to the memory of Serjt. THOS. ROBINS 1st Bn Coldstream Gds who died 29th June 1855."
Scots Fusilier Guards
"Sacred to the memory of EDWARD BOYD 4th Compy 1st Battn S.F. Gds. who died 13 of April 1856 Aged 20 years."
"Sacred to the memory of Drm JOHN GOWELL 1st Battn S.F. Guards who died 18th July 1855 aged 19 years."
"Sacred to the memory of Serjt. GEORGE MANGOR Scots Fusilier Guards who died of cholera 22d June 1855. Erected by a friend."
"Sacred to the memory of Corpl J. McDOUGAL Right Flank Compy First Battn S.F. Gds. Killed in the Trenches before Sebastopol 22nd of August 1855 Aged 27 years."
"Sacred to the memory of JOHN SIBBELDS Ss Fr Gds who fell in the battle of Inkermann Novr 5th 1854."
"Sacred to the memory of Corpl JAS STEWART S.F. Gds. 1856."