Isle of France
Lieutenant-Colonel Campbell - 33rd Foot - Nov. 30th-2nd Dec. 1810
Lieutenant Munro - 86th Foot - 8th July 1810
Major O'Keefe - 12th Foot - Nov. 30th-2nd Dec. 1810
Lieutenant-Colonel William Campbell - 78th Foot - died of wounds - 28th August 1811 Wounded 26 August 1811 in the attack on Cornelis. He was buried at Batavia. "Here lie the remains of Lieutenant Colonel William Campbell of His Britannic Majesty's 78th regt. who died on the 26th of Aug. 1811 of wounds received on the 26th of that month while bravely leading on his Regt. to attack the strongly fortified Lines of Cornelis defended by a gallant enemy."
Lieutenant-Colonel Charger - 69th Foot - 22nd August 1811
Lennard Motley Farnaby - Bengal Artillery - killed 22nd August
Aged 19. Killed in the attack on Fort Cornelis. Served with 1st
Company, 2nd Bn. Bengal Foot Artillery. Born at West Wickham,
Kent, 13 May 1792.
Memorial at St. Johns, West Wyckham,
London - "Sacred
to the memory of Sir John Farnby, Baronet, of Wickham Court, in this
parish, died August 19 1802 also that of Mary, his widow, died May 9th
1833 aged 83. Also Lennard Motley Farnaby, Lieutenant Fireworker in the
Bengal Artillery killed at the storming of Fort Cornellis in the island
of Java August 11th 1811."
Lieutenant Fergusson - 20th Madras Native Infantry - 26th August 1811
Lieutenant Hopkins - 69th Foot - 26th August 1811
Lieutenant Hutcheen - ? Dragoons - 26th August 1811
Captain Kennedy - 14th Foot - 26th August 1811
Lieutenant Litton - 59th Foot - 26th August 1811
Lieutenant Lloyd - 59th Foot - 26th August 1811
Hector McLean - 14th Foot - 20th June 1812.
Aged 20. After the siezure of the Kraton (the Palace of the
Sultan of Jogjakarta) on 16th June, Lieutenant McLean was stabbed
by a lady of the Palace and died of his wounds. Grave in
Djokjakarta Old Cemetery: "In memory of Lieut. Hector McLean of H.M.'s
14th Regt. of Foot, this column has been erected. It is a votice
embleem of esteem to military ardour and early worth by officers
who served with him. He commanded th rifle company of his corps
in the successful assault of the Cratton of the 16th June 1812
toward the close of that conflict he received a wound which
proved mortal in his twentieth year. thus fell a youth. His
memory survives in that of his brother officers."
Ensign McLeod - Madras Pioneers - 22nd August 1811
Lieutenant-Colonel McLeod - 69th Foot - 26th August 1811
Lieutenant Munro - 78th Foot - 10th August 1811
Lieutenant Thomas William Murrall - 24th Bengal Native Infantry - died of wounds - 23rd September 1811. Aged 22. Son of Thomas and Elizabeth Murrall.
Captain Olpherts - 59th Foot - 26th August 1811
Lieutenant Paton - Royal Artillery - 24th August 1811
Captain Ross - 69th Foot - 26th August 1811
Captain Francis Shaw - 13th Bengal Native Infantry - died of wounds - 28th September 1811 - Aged 38. Born 4 July 1773 at Dominica.
Lieutenant Shepherd - Madras Pioneers - 22nd August 1811
Lieutenant Waring - 59th Foot - 26th August 1811
Ensign Wolfe - 59th Foot - 26th August 1811
James Fraser - 78th Foot - murdered near Problingo - 18th May
When trouble broke out at Problingo between Chinese
settlers and local villagers, the 78th Foot were sent to restore
order. Two officers were siezed and murdered .
Buried at Problingo, East Java - "Sacred to the memory of Lieut.
Colonel James Fraser and Captain James McPherson of His Majesty's
78th Highland Regiment who were barborously murdered by a band of
insurgents near Problingo on the night of the 18th of May 1813.
This monument was erected over their remains by their brother
officers as a mark of the high esteem in which they held their
worth and virtues."
James McPherson - 78th Foot - murdered near Problingo - 18th May
See above.