MALACCA 1831-1832
James WHITE - 29th Madras Native Infantry - killed in action
- 20th August 1831.
Born July 1806, son of Captain James White (89th Foot) and
Charlotte White. Married Catherine Lane at Vepery, 28th June 1830.
Singapore Chronicle, 15th Sept. 1831: "At Rumbeiga, about 10
miles from Malacca, whilst gallantly attacking the Stockade at
that place, on the 20th August 1831, Lieutenant James White, of
the 29th Regiment Madras Native Infantry..."
Grave at Malacca - "Sacred to the memory of Lieutenants White
and Harding of the 29th Regiment Madras N.I. who fell in action
with the Malays, the former on the 20th August 1831, and the
latter on the 29th March 1832. This tomb was erected as a mark of
respect and esteem by their brother officers."
Edmund Vincent HARDING - 29th Madras Native Infantry - died
of wounds - 30th March 1832.
Born 5th August 1808 at Somerstown, son of Edmund Vincent Harding
and Mary Trelawny. Married Florentine Herg at Madras, 15th
December 1830. Shot in the throat during the attack on the
Stockade at Ayer Mangis, 29th March and died next day. See tomb
Ensign George
Holford WALKER - 5th Madras Native Infantry - killed in
action - 3rd May 1832.
Born 28th December 1813, son of Joshua and Anna Walker. Killed in
attack on the Stockade at Bukit Lanjoot.
Grave at Bukit Lanjoot - "To the memory of Ensign George Holford
Walker doing duty with the 5th Regiment M.N.I. who fell while
gallantly leading on his division to storm a stockade at Allegata
on the 3rd of May 1832. This tablet was erected by his brother
officers as a mark of their esteem for one so universally beloved."