Kane - 2nd
Lieutenant John Fielding Hill - 3rd Bn Rifle Brigade - died
23rd October 1897.
Son of Rev. Richard Nathaniel Kane, MA, of Suckley,
Grave at Miranshah - "In loving memory of John Fielding Hill Kane
3rd Battalion Rifle Brigade Born October 22nd 1876 Died October
23rd 1897."
Kean - Major
Henry - 97th Foot - died 15th February 1859.
Grave at Clifton Street Graveyard, Belfast - "Here lie the
remains of Major Henry Kean late H.M. 97th Reg OB 15 February
- Lieutenant-General Sir Henry, KCB - 33rd Foot - died 12th September 1847.
Memorial at Christ Church, Cheltenham - "Sacred to the
memory of Sir Henry Keating, Knight Commander of the most honourable
Military Order of the Bath, a Lieut General in Her Majesty's army, and
Colonel of the 33rd Regt of Foot. He was born on the 13th of November
1775 at Bansha in the county of Tipperary and in 1793 began his
military career in the 33rd Regt with which he served in the West
Indies at Martinique and Guadaloupe where he was twice severely
wounded. He afterwards served with the 56th Regt in Ireland and the
East Indies. In 1810 he commanded the forces at the conquest of the
island of Bourbon, and led the advance at the subsequent capture of the
Mauritius where he was again wounded. He died at Cheltenham on the 12th
Sept 1847, aged 72, having served his country for 54 years. His remains
are deposited in the cemetery of this town."
Keiller - Major David Cabel -
6th Bengal Native Infantry - died 17th November 1850.
Served at Bhurtpore 1824. Afghanistan 1842 (medal), Punjab 1848 (medal
and 2 bars).
Grave at Peshawar - "Sacred to the memory of Major David Cabel
Keiller late of the 6th Regiment bengal Native Infantry. Who died
t peshawur on the 17th day of november 1850 aged 48 years. This
tomb was erected by his brother officers of the 6th N.I."
Keily -
Captain Edward - 13th Foot - died 1st September 1838.
Tablet in St. James' Church, Karnal - "Erected by the
officers of H.M. 13th Lt Infy sacred to the memory of Captn E.
Keily of that Corps who died at Karnaul 1st Sepr 1838 Aged 48
Kellett -
Captain Robert Napier - Royal Highlanders - died 2nd November
Grave at The Protestant Cemetery, Florence, Italy - "Sacred to the
memory of Robert Napier Kellett late Captain Royal Highlanders of
Renfrewshire Scotland, nephew of Sir Richard Kellett, bart, died
at Florence November 2nd 1853 aged 56 years."
Kellett -
Lieutenant William Augustus Napier - 72nd Highlanders - died
8th May 1853.
Grave at The Protestant Cemetery, Florence, Italy - "Sacred to the
memory of William Augustus Napier Kellett late Lieutenant 72
Highlanders the beloved and only son of Captain Napier Kellett of
Renfrewshire Scotland died at Florence May 8th 1853 aged 27 years."
Kelly -
Lieutenant-Colonel Edward - died 6th August 1828.
Grave at Mullye - "Sacred
to the memory of Lieutenant-Colonel
Edward Kelly of His Majesty's Service, who died on the 6th August
Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and twenty-eight, in the
fifty-fourth year of his age. This gallant officer served His
Majesty with distinction in Flanders, Spain, and at Waterloo,
where he was severely wounded; he was present at the capture of
the fortress of Bhurtpore, and subsequently served in Ava, where
he contracted the disease which proved fatal to him. As a last
mark of regard and esteem the Right Honorable the Viscount
Combermere, G.C.B. Commander-in-Chief, in whose Staff Lieut-Col.
E. Kelly came to India, and his brother officers of the Staff,
have erected this monument."
Kelly -
Ensign John - 50th Foot - died 1st December 1842.
Grave at Cawnpore -
"Sacred to the
memory of Ensign John Kelly of
HM 50th or Queen's Own Regt who departed this life on the 1st day
of December 1842 aged 40 years and 9 months after a service in
the army between Great Britain and his native land the West and
East Indes of nearly 21 years."
Kelly -
Lieutenant-Colonel Richard - 34th Foot - died 7th
January 1840.
Grave at Duleek, Church of Ireland, Co. Meath - "Sacred to the
memory of Richard Kelly late Lieut. Colonel in the 34th Regt. Who
departed this life on the 7th January 1840 at Weston in Co. Meath
in the 68th year of his age. This stone was placed here by his
sorrowing family as a small tribute of affection and to record
their loss. Also to the memory of Ane Kelly widow of the above
named Richard Kelly and daughter of the late Francis Thomas Esqr
who departed this life on the 30 September 1861 aged 82 years."
Kelsall -
Surgeon-Major Henry - Army Medical Department - died 6th June
Memorial at Northam cemetery, Devon - "In loving memory of
Henry Kelsall Surgeon Major A.M.D. Born March 28th 1834
Died June 6th 1879 Buried at Dakha, Afghanistan. Also of Annie
his wife Born October 4th 1840 Died at Westward Ho July 24th 1886."
Kemp -
Assistant-Surgeon R.D. - 16th Lancers - died 19th May 1872.
Memorial at Bangalore - "Sacred to the Memory of The Officers &
& Soldiers of the 16th (Queens) Lancers Who died while
serving their country in the East Indies Between the Years 1865
and 1876. Capt W.P. Bagenal 25 November 1868 - C.A. Agnew 22
March 1873 - T. Dynon 31 March 1874 - Lieut A.C. Dobree 02 August
1867 - Asst Surg. R.D. Kemp 19 May 1872 - V. Surg. T.J.
Richardson 18 June 1869."
Kempe - Ensign W.R. - 2/24th
Bengal Native Infantry - died 6th October 1814.
Grave at Cawnpore - "Sacred to the memory of Ensign W.R. Kempe 2nd
Bn 24th Regt NI who departed this life on the 6th October 1814
aged 21 years."
Kennedy - Lieutenant-Colonel
Charles Pratt - Bengal Horse Artillery - died 15th May 1875.
Memorial at Christ Church, Cheltenham - "Sacred to the memory of Charles Pratt
Kennedy, Lieut Colonel in the Bengal Horse Artillery, who entered the
service in 1806. In 1815 at the commencement of the Nepal War, he was
selected by General Sir R Gillespie to command the artillery. Sent to
reduce the hill fortress of Kalunga in 1821, he was appointed political
agent of the hill states at Simla, of which he place he was the
founder, and after 16 years residence there he retired from the service
much regretted by the native chiefs over whom he had so long ruled. He
died at Cheltenham on the 15th of May 1875 in the 86th year of his age.
Esteemed by all who knew him."
Kennedy - 2nd
Lieutenant David Macomb - Royal Scots Fusiliers - died 19th
October 1899.
Grave at Peshawar - "In loving memory of David Macomb Kennedy. 2nd
Lieutenant. Royal Scots Fusiliers. Died Peshawar of enteric fever
19th October 1899. Aged 21. Erected by his sorrowing parents."
Kennedy -
James Colzean - 16th Lancers - died 15th January 1923.
Grave at Cheltenham Borough Cemetery, Gloucestershire - "In memory of James Colzean Kennedy late 16th
(Queens Lancers) Died January 15th 1923. Aged 80 years."
Kenny - Captain Henry Evans -
10th Madras Native Infantry - died 27th March 1836.
Grave at Vizagapatam - "Sacred to the memory of Bt. Captain Henry
Evans Kenny Tenth Regt. N.I. who died in Camp at Rutnapoor near
Goomsoor on the 27th March 1836 This monument erected by his
brother officers as a token of their esteem and affection."
Kent - Lieutenant-Colonel
Robert - 18th Bengal Native Infantry - died 3rd October 1848.
Served Nepal 1814. Mahratta-Pindari war 1817. Bhurtpore 1824.
China 1860 (medal).
Grave at Lahore - Sacred
to the memory of Lt Colonel R. Kent 18th
Regt N.I. who died at Lahore on the 3rd Octr 1848. Erected by his
brother officers."
Kerby -
Colonel James - 2nd Lincoln Militia - died 20th June 1854.
Grave at St. Paul's Church, Fort Erie, Canada - "Sacred to the
memory of Col. the Hon. Jas Kerby, 2nd Lincoln Militia, died June
20th 1854, aged 69. He was a faithful subject of the Crown and
for his gallantry during the war of 1812 received the thanks of
his country and was presented with a valuable sword by the Leg.
Assembly of U.C. In private life he was esteemed for his amiable
qualities, his generous and benevolent disposition and for his
exemplary character as a parent, a friend and a Christian."
Kerr -
Lieutenant Charles Fortescue - 85th Light Infantry - died 28th
July 1834.
Memorial at Shiplake church, Oxfordshire - "Beneath this tablet
lie the remains of Charles Fortescue Kerr Viscount Dunlace late
Lieutenant in the 85th Light Infantry who departed this life July
the 28th 1834 in the 25th years of his life."
Kerr -
Captain Claude - 3rd West India Regiment - died 3rd February
Grave at Penal Establishment Cemetery, Massaruni, Guyana - "Sacred to the Memory of Claude Kerr, Captain
3rd West India Regiment. Superintendant of His Majesty's Penal
Settlement from 1862 to 1871. Born 7th February 1826. Died 3rd
February 1871."
Kerr -
Major-General John Henry Lyte - Madras Staff Corps - died
9th December 1878.
Memorial at Termonfeckin Cemetery, Co. Louth - "Sacred to the
memory of John Henry Lyte Kerr, Major General in the Madras Staff
Corps, Second son of the late Reverend John Kerr, Rector of this
parish for forty years who departed this life in Termonfeckin, 9th
of December 1878 aged 53 years. Also his devoted wife Milliora C.
Kerr who departed this life 6th April 1886 aged 50 years."
Kerr - Surgeon Robert - 21st Light Dragoons - died 20th June
Grave at St. Mary's Churchyard, Clonmel, Co. Tipperary, Ireland -
stone covers the remains of Robert Kerr, Esq., late Surgeon 21st
Light Dragoons, who departed this life on the 20th of June 1803,
aged 30 years and is placed here by his brother officers as a
small token of their esteem with whom he lived beloved and died
Kerr - Ensign
William - 85th Foot - died 16th February 1815.
Memorial at Shiplake church, Oxfordshire - "Beneath this tablet
lie the remains of William Kerr late Ensign in the 85th Regt of
Foot who dpearted this life Feb the 16th 1815 in the 17th year of
his age."
Ketchen - Captain Sotheby
Douglas Brodie - 2/5th Gurkha Rifles - died 9th December 1901.
Son of Colonel William Douglas Brodie Ketchen (Madras Cavalry).
Served Black Mountain 1891 (medal and bar), Waziristan 1894 (bar).
Grave at Parachinar, Kurram Valley - "Sacred to the memory of Captain S.D.
Ketchen 2/5th Gurkhas son of the late Colonel W.D.B. Ketchen,
officiating Commandant Kurram Valley Militia, who was born on the
31st July 1869 and shot accidentally when hunting in the Malana
Tangi on the 9th December 1901. This monument is erected by his
friends, Native Officers and Non-Commissioned Officers and Men of
the Kurram Militia."
Keyes -
Lieutenant Charles Valentine - Corps of Guides - killed 21st
June 1901.
Son of General Sir Charles Patton Keyes, GCB (Indian Staff Corps,
Madras). Born at Abbottabad, 14th February 1876. Served Malakand
1897 (medal and 2 bars). June 1900 appointed to the West African
Frontier Force. He was murdered by 'a gang of French cattle
stealers he was trying to arrest.'
Tablet in St. Alban's Church, Mardan - "Sacred to the
memory of Lieutenant C.V. Keyes Queen's Own Corps of Guides who
was assassinated at Argunga in Nigeria on 21st June 1901. Erected
in affectionate remembrance by his brother officers."
Keyte -
William John - Royal Dragoons - died 15th February 1907.
Grave at Northam cemetery, Devon -
"In memory of
Annie beloved wife of William
John Keyte, who died August 22nd 1895, Aged 62 Years. Also of the
above William John Keyte, Knight Legion Of Honour Late Royal
Dragoons, who died February 15th 1907, Aged 83 Years."
King -
Colonel Charles Hynde, CB - Grenadier Guards - died 9th July
Memorial at St. Mary's Church, Madingley, Cambridgeshire - "In memory of
Charles Hynde King C.B. Colonel commanding 2nd Battalion,
Grenadier Guards. Born 22nd December 1826. Died at Aldershot 9th
July 1870. He was the son of Vice Admiral Sir Richard King Bar T
K.C.B. and Maria Susanna daughter of Admiral Sir Charles Cotton."
King -
Lieutenant-Colonel John Wallace, CB - 14th Light Dragoons - died
6th July 1850.
Served Punjab 1848 (medal and 2 bars). Committed suicide due to a
disagreement with Sir Charles Napier, who overturned a court-martial
decision in Lt-Col. King's regiment.
Grave at Lahore - "Sacred
to the memory of Lt Col John Wallace
King, CB, H.M. 14th Light Dragoons who departed this life on the
6th July 1850, aged 47 years & 9 months. This tomb has been
erected by the Non Commissioned Officers and Men of the Regiment
as a small tribute of respect to their late lamented Colonel."
Kingsmill -
Colonel William - died 6th May 1876.
Memorial at St. Mark's Cemetery, Niagara, Canada - "In memory of Col.
Wm. Kingsmill, son of the late Major Kingsmill, of 1st Royals,
died in Toronto, 6th May, 1876. aged 82. Col. Kingsmill served in
H. M. 66th Regiment, in the Peninsular War, and afterwards at St.
Helena, during Napoleon's captivity. Subsequently in command of 3rd
Inf. Corps, Batt. of U. Canadian Militia, and was Sheriff of the
Niagara District. He was a gallant soldier."
- Captain W.D. - Ceylon Rifle Regiment.
Memorial at St. Mark's Cemetery, Niagara, Canada - "In memoriam Capt. W.
D. Kingsmill of R.C. Regt.. born at St. Helena, 1818. Lieut. C. E.
Kingsmill, of Ceylon Rifle Regt., died at Hong Kong."
Kirby - Captain Walter - 29th Foot - died 4th August 1847.
Served Sutlej 1845 (medal and bar, severely wounded).
Grave at Kasauli- "In
memory of Captain Walter Kirby H.M. 29th
Regt. A brave and talented officer who died at Kussowlie on the 4th
August 1847 aged 27 years esteemed, respected, and lamented."
Kirk -
Assistant-Surgeon John - 17th Irregular Cavalry - died 21st
July 1857.
Grave at Attock - "Sacred
to the memory of Asst Surgeon John
Kirk M.D. who died in garrison suddenly 21st July 1857."
Kirkpatrick - Lieutenant-Colonel
James Achilles - H.E.I.C.S. - Died 15th October 1805.
Son of Colonel Kirkpatrick (HEICS), of Keston, Kent. Born in
August 1764.
Tablet in St. John's Church, Calcutta - "To the memory of
Lieut-Colonel James Achilles Kirkpatrick of the Honorable East
India Company's Military Establishment of Fort St. George, who,
after filling the distinguished Station as Resident at the Court
of Hyderabad upwards of nine years, and successfully conducting
during that period various important negotiations, died at
Calcutta 15th October 1805, aged 41 years. This monument is
erected by his afflcited father and brothers."
Kirkpatrick - Lieutenant
William - HEICS Horse Artillery - died 11th August 1831.
Memorial at Keston churchyard, Kent - "William third son
of George and Eleanor Kirkpatrick, Lieutenant in the Honourable
East India Company's Horse Artillery died at Sholapoor in the
Presidency of Bombay 11 August 1831 aged 22."
Knowles - Lieutenant Frederick - 3rd King's Own Light
Dragoons - died 12th June 1843.
Enlisted 11th Light Dragoons in 1818. Ensign 1838.
Grave at Karnal - "Sacred
to the memory of Lieut F. Knowles H.M.
3rd K.O. Light Dragoons who died at Kurnaul on the 12th June 1843
aged 41 years 8 months. Leaving a widow and 5 children to lament
his irreparable loss. This tomb is erected by his disconsolate
widow and family as a token of their love and affection."
Knox - Captain Charles Stuart - Gloucestershire Regiment -
died 26th November 1901.
Memorial at the War Memorial Church, Sandhurst Military Academy - "To the glory of God and in
memory of Charles Stuart Knox. Captain, The Gloucestershire Regt. Gent
Cadet 'D' Co. R.M.C. 1891. Died 26th Nov. 1901."
Knox - Major-General Sir
Alexander, KCB - 5th Light Cavalry - died 1st September 1834.
Grave at Barrackpore - "Sacred to the memory of Major General Sir
Alexander Knox, Knight Commander of the Bath and Colonel of the 5th
Light Cavalry, who departed this life at Barrackpore on the 1st
September 1834, after a period of 54 years service, chiefly
passed in the active duties of the field with honor to himself,
acknowledged by his country and rewarded by his most gracious
Majesty. In private life, Sir Alexander was highly esteemed and
beloved by a numerous circle of friends. In death deeply deplored
by all who had the happiness of knowing him. This tomb is erected
as a due mark of respect to the departed, by his widow and his
Knyvett -
Major-General William John Baptist - Bengal Army - died 6th
January 1863.
Grave at Dehra Dun - "Sacred to the memory of William John Baptist
Knyvett Major General Bengal Army who died at Dehra Doon on 6th
January 1863 aged 59 years leaving his widow and seven children
sorrowing for his loss."
Kyle -
Lieutenant-Colonel Hallam D'Arcey - 27th Foot - died 10th
October 1857.
Son of Rev. Samuel Kyle (Lord Bishop of Cork). Born in 1815.
Served Kaffir War 1851 (medal), Mutiny 1857.
Grave at Jamrud Road Cemetery, Peshawar - "Sacred to the
memory of Lieut Colonel H.D. Kyle of H.Ms 27th Inniskillings who
died at Peshawur on the 10th of October 1857,. This tomb is
erected by his brother officers."