Macan -
Captain Henry Patrick - Bedfordshire Regiment - died 7th
April 1898.
Memorial at St. Mary's Church, Elstow Church, Bedfordshire - "In affectionate memory of Captain Henry
Patrick Macan 3rd Battalion Bedfordshire Regiment. Born at Elstow
17th March 1868 Died on service at Kismayu, East Africa 7th April
1898. This tablet was erected by the Officers, Non-Commissioned
Officers and Men of the 3rd Battalion Bedfordshire Regiment."
Macausland - Lieutenant-Colonel
Redmond - Indian Army - died 30th March 1935.
Memorial at St. Paul's Church, Garvagh Graveyard, Co.
Londonderry, Northern Ireland - "Remond Conyngham S. Macausland, Lt.
Col. I.A. of Woodbank, son of the Rev. R. C. Macausland, rector
of Desertoghill, died 30 March 1935, aged 83 years."
Macbeth -
Surgeon-General James - died 3rd January 1899.
Grave at the Protestant Cemetery, Rome, Italy - "In loving memory of
Surgn General James Macbeth who died at Rome, 3rd January 1899 in
his 82nd year. A veteran of the wars of the Punjab served through
the campaigns of the Sutlej 1845-46 also the siege of Multan 1848-49.
Also of his wife Thomasine Mary died at Rome 31st May 1899 Aged
74 years."
Macbride - ?
Henry Pole Brookland - Royal Berkshire Regiment - died 16th
October 1894.
Grave at Elmina Cemetery, Cape Coast, Ghana - "Henry
Pole Brookland Macbride, Royal Berks
Regiment. and Houssa Police, died 16 Oct 1894, aged 24."
MacCrae - Ensign John Morison
- 17th Bengal Native Infantry - died 15th June 1822.
Grave at Ludhiana - "Sacred to the memory of John M. MacCrae late
Ensign of the 17th Regt N.I. who departed this life 15th June
1822 in the 21st year of his age. Erected by the officers of the
Regt as a tribute of their esteem and regret."
- Captain Allan - 38th Foot - died 24th September 1828.
Grave at Cawnpore - "To the memory of Allan MacDonald Captain HMs
38 Regt who died at Cawnpore on the 24th day of September 1828
aged 34 years and 6 months. Erected by his affectionate brother
John MacDonald."
- Colonel Clarence Herbert - Indian Army - died 16th
December 1929.
Memorial in St. Judes Church, Portsmouth - "In loving
remembrance of Clarence Herbert MacDonald Colonel Indian Army who
died 16 December 1929 aged 68."
Macdonald - Major Henry -
Bengal Staff Corps - killed 22nd March 1873.
Son of Donald Macdonald, of Sandside, Caithness. Born 3rd
December 1831. Served Mutiny 1857 (medal and 2 bars). He was shot
in the thigh by bandits, who then hacked him to death with swords.
The murderers were finally captured and hanged in 1879. The
official report states the murder was on the 22nd March.
Grave at Jamrud Road Cemetery, Peshawar - "In memory of Henry
Macdonald Major, Bengal Staff Corps, and commandant of Fort
Michnee who was cruelly murdered by Momund Affridis on 21st March
March 1873. Lord have mercy."
Tablet in St.
John's Church, Peshawar - "In memory of Henry Macdonald, Major in the
Bengal Staff Corps, and Commandant of Fort Michin, who was
cruelly murdered by Momund Afridis, on Friday 21st March 1873,
while walking unarmed at a short distance from the fort. His
death excited much sympathy and regret throughout this district."
Macdonald -
Colonel James Fraser - died 28th July 1922.
Memorial at St. Mark's church, Niagara, Canada - "Col. James Fraser
Macdonald, August 28th 1867 - July 28th 1922. Lieut. Strathcona
Horse, S.A. 1900. Capt. 2nd Canadian Mounted Rifles, S.A. 1902.
Principal Ordinance Officer for Canada 1912-1918."
Macdonald - Major Ranald
Dugald Harcourt - 8th Bengal Light Cavalry - died 21st
November 1848.
Served Bhurtpore 1825. Punniar 1843 (star). Married Mary Crawford
at Calcutta, 28th November 1836.
Grave at Lahore - "Sacred
to the memory of Major R.D.H. Kent 8th
Light Cavalry who died 21st Nov. 1848. This monument was built by
his brother officers."
MacDonald - Lieutenant-General
Robert - Madras Army - died ......
Grave at Cheltenham Borough Cemetery, Gloucestershire - "Sacred to the
memory of Lieutenant General Robert Mackenzie MacDonald, Madras
Staff Corps. Born 11 September 1825. Died -----."
Macdougal - Lieutenant
William - Bengal Engineers - died 16th September 1807.
Grave at Calcutta - "Sacred to the memory of Lieut. William
Macdougal of the Bengal Engineers who died September the 16th AD
1807, aged 27 years. To an excellent understanding, and extensive
knowledge, especially of Asiatic literature, which enabled him to
discharge with credit and public utility, the duties of Assistant
Professor of the Hindoostanee language in the College of Fort
- Lieutenant-Colonel William Donald - 93rd Foot - died
29th October 1862.
Son of Donald Macdonald, of Sandside, Caithness. Born 15th
September 1827. Served Crimea 1854 (medal and 4 bars, Order of
Medjidie 5th class), Mutiny 1857 (medal and bar). Married Emma
Lindsay, 30th August 1860. His brother, Major Henry Macdonald,
Bengal Infantry, was murdered at Fort Michni, 1873.
Tablet in St. John's Church, Peshawar - "Sacred to the
memory of Lt Colonel William Donald Macdonald of Sandside, Deputy
Lieutenant and Justice of the peace of the county of Caithness,
Scotland who died of cholera whilst commanding the 93rd
Sutherland Highlanders at Camp Jalozai on the 29th October 1862
aged 35 years."
Grave at
Jalozai - "Sacred
to the memory of Lt Col Wm Donald Macdonald, Deputy Lieutenant
and Justice of the peace of the county of Caithness, Scotland who
died of cholera whilst commanding the 93rd Sutherland Highlanders
at Camp Jalozai on the 29th October 1862 aged 35 years."
Macdonnell -
Lieutenant-Colonel William, C.B. - 88th Foot - died 12th July
Grave at the Protestant Cemetery, Rome, Italy - "In ever loving
memory of my dear husband Col. William Macdonnell C.B. late 88th
Regt Connaught Rangers Born Dublin June 7th 1831 died Rome July
12th 1919."
Macgregor - Major-General
James Murray - died 7th December 1818.
Grave at Monghyr - "Beneath
this stone are deposited the earthly
remains of Major General James Murray Macgregor, of the Honorable
East India Co's Service, who departed this life on the 7th of Dec.
AD 1818, in the 59th year of his age, oppressed and broken by a
series of unmerited misfortunes, his spirit it is hoped, has
found repose on the bosom of a merciful Redeemer."
MacIver - Assistant-Surgeon
James Robertson - 4th Punjab Rifles - died 11th December 1869.
Grave at Sialkote - "Sacred to the memory of Asst Surgeon James R.
McIver IVth Punjab Rifles, who died at Sealkote on the XIth Decr.
1869 aged 26 years. eldest son of Evander McIver Esqr. Scowrie
House Sutherlandshire. Deeply regretted by his brother officers
and all who knew him. He is not dead but sleepeth."
Memorial at Scourie Cemetery, Edrachillis, Sutherland, Scotland - "Erected by
officers 4th Punjab Infantry, in memory of James Robertson
McIver, MD, Assistant Surgeon, died Sealkot, 11 Dec 1869, age 28."
MacKecknie - Lieutenant
Donald - 16th Madras Native Infantry - died 19th January
Grave at Harihar Old Cantonment, Mysore - "In memory of
Lieutenant Donald MacKechnie, 16th Regt. M.N.I., who died at
Hurryhur on the 19th January 1859, aged 32 years 7 months and 9
days. Deeply regretted by his brother officers. This monument has
been placed over his remains by his afflicted widow."
- Lieutenant Colin - 78th Foot - died 7th June 1812.
Grave at Calcutta - "Sacred to the memory of Lieut. Colin
Mackenzie, of H.M. 78th Regt. who departed this life on the 7th
June 1812, aged 27 years. Deeply regretted by a numerous circle
of friends, whom his amiable disposition had acquired."
- Cornet David Wedderburn - 8th Light Dragoons - died 29th
December 1814.
Grave at Calcutta - "Sacred to the memory of David Wedderburn
Mackenzie, Cornet in his Majesty's 8th Light Dragoons, son of
John and Elizabeth Mackenzie; who departed this life on the 29th
Dec. 1814, aged 27 years."
Mackenzie - Lieutenant George
Salvador - 22nd Native Infantry - died 22nd March 1844.
Grave at Barrackpore - "In memory of Lieut. George Salvador
Mackenzie, Adjt. 22d Regt. N.I. who was drowned off Barrackpore
on the 22d March 1844. Much and deeply regretted, in the 26th
year of his age. This monument is erected by his surviving
Tablet at Barrackpore Church - "Sacred to the memory of Lieutenant
George Salvador Mackenzie, Adjutant 22d Regiment N.I.
unfortunately drowned off Barrackpore by the upsetting of a boat
on the 22d March 1844. This tablet is erected by Captain James
Grissell, 46th N.I. ADC as a mark of his affection and lasting
Mackenzie - Brigadier James -
5th Bengal Light Cavalry - died 15th August 1859.
Son of Kincaid Mackenzie, of Edinburgh. Served Bhurtpore 1825 (medal),
Punjab 1848 (medal and 2 bars). Married Napier Johnstone at
Nasirabad, 6th September 1830.
Grave at Simla - "Beneath
rest the remains of Brigadier J.
Mackenzie H.M.'s 5th Bengal Light Cavalry who died on the 15th
August 1859 aged 56 years. This monument has been erected by his
brother officers of the late 8th Light Cavalry as a tribute of
esteem and respect to his memory."
Mackenzie -
Colonel Francis James - Bengal Staff Corps - died 19th
November 1884.
Grave at the Protestant Cemetery, Rome, Italy - "In memory of
Francis James Napier Mackenzie Colonel Bengal Staff Corps. Born
Edinburgh 19th October 1837. died Rome 19th November 1884."
Mackenzie - Colonel John -
Bengal Light Cavalry - died 5th May 1856.
Served Mahratta-Pindari war 1817. Grave at Simla - "Sacred to the
memory of Colonel John Mackenzie, Bengal Light Cavalry who
departed this life on the 5th May 1856 aged 66."
Mackenzie -
Lieutenant-Colonel Kenneth, DSO - Royal Army Veterinary Corps - died
5th October 1925.
Memorial at Lairg Cemetery, Sutherland, Scotland - "Robert
Mackenzie, Millinclarin, Lairg, died
19 May 1931, age 81; wife Catherine Ross, died Elgin 3 Oct 1929,
age 78; daughter Johanna, died Nayland, Suffolk 16 April 1913,
age 28; son Alexander, Capt. 8th South African Infantry, died
Johannesburg 16 Nov 1917, age 41 of illness fighting in East
Africa; Kenneth, DSO Lt. Col. RAVC, died Kohat, India 5 Oct 1925,
age 44."
Mackenzie - Lieutenant Napier
Kincaid Johnston - 6th Bengal Light Cavalry - died 26th April
Son of Brigadier James Mackenzie (see entry). Born at Nasirabad,
11th July 1831.
Grave at Simla - "Sacred
to the memory of Napier Kincaid
Johnston Mackenzie 6th Bengal Light Cavalry. Eldest son of
Colonel James Mackenzie 8th Bengal Light Cavalry. Born at
Nusserabad 11th July 1831. died at Simla 26th April 1856."
Mackeson - Lieutenant-Colonel
Frederick, C.B. - Bengal Army - killed 14th September 1853.
Son of William Mackeson, of Woodbridge, Kent. Born 2nd September
1807. Served Afghanistan 1837-42 (medal, C.B.), Sutlej 1845 (medal),
Punjab 1848 (medal and 2 bars), Hazara 1853.
Memorial at Peshawar - "Here lies the body of Frederick Mackeson
Lieutenant Colonel in the Bengal Army Companion of the Bath and
Commissioner of Peshawur who was born September 2nd 1807 and died
September 14th 1853 of a wound inflicted by a religious fanatic.
He was the beau-ideal of a soldier: cool to conceive, brave to
dare, and strong to do. The Indian Army was proud of his noble
presence in its ranks - Not without cause. On the dark page of
the Affghan War, the name of 'Mackeson' shines brightly out. The
frontier was his post and the future was his field. The defiles
of the Khyber, and the peaks of the Black Mountains, alike
witness his exploits - Death still found him in the front.
Unconquored enemies felt safer when he fell - His own Government
thus mourned the fall "The reputation of Lieutenant Colonel
Mackeson as a soldier is known to, and honored by all. His value
as a Political servant of the state is known to none better than
to the Governor General himself, who in a difficult and eventful
time had cause to mark his great ability, and the admirable
prudence, discretion and temper which added tenfold value to the
high soldierly qualities of his warlike character. The loss of
Colonel Mackeson's life would have dimmed a victory. To lose him
thus by the hand of a foul assassin is a misfortune of the
heaviest gloom, for the Government which counted him amongst its
bravest and best." General Orders of the Marquis Dalhousie,
Governor General of India 3rd October 1853. This monument was
erected by his friends."
- Lieutenant L.C. - Kings Royal Rifle Corps - died 10th
March 1895.
Tablet in Christ Church, Rawalpindi - "In
memory of L.C. MacLachlan, Lieutenant and
Adjutant 1st Battalion Kings Royal Rifles, who died at Rawalpindi
10th March 1895. This tablet was erected by the teams competing
in the Rawalpindi polo tournament."
Maclean -
Major-General Archibald Neil - Indian Army - died 17th June
Memorial at Northam church, Devon - "Sacred to the memory of Archibald
Neil Maclean Maj. Gen. H.M. I. Army and the second son of John
Maclean Esqr of Boreray and Drimnin who died June 17th 1875 -
Buried At Kensal Green."
Macleod - Brigadier
Alexander, K.C.B. - Bengal Artillery - died 20th August 1831.
Memorial in St. Stephen's Church, Dum Dum - "Sacred to the
memory of Sir Alexander Macleod, Knight Companion of the Most
Honrable Order of the Bath, Colonel of the 5th Battalion Bengal
Artillery, Briagdier on the Staff of the Army, and Commandant of
Artillery, who died at Dum Dum on the 20th August 1831, aged 64
years. Sir A. Macleod entered the army as a Cadet of Artillery in
1784 and served with that army during 47 years of uninterrupted
Indian duty. In 1806 he was selected by Viscount Lake (on the
death of Captain Hutchinson of the same corps) to succeed as
Commandant of the then important advanved post of Ramporah Tonk,
and afterwards served at the sieges of Kamona, Gunnouree and
Bhowanee. In 1814, he directed the Artillery of Sir D.
Ochterlony's Army during the brilliant campaign of the field
movements and sieges against the Goorkah Commander-in-Chief,
Ummeer Sing Thapa. In 1817, after being present at the siege of
Hattras, under the Marquis of Hastings in the Mahratta and
Pindaree war. In November 1823, he was apponited Commandant of
the Regiment of Artillery, in which capacity in 1825, he
accompanied Viscount Combermere to the field, and directed the
artillery in the great siege operations which terminated in the
assault and capture of Bhurtpore in January 1826. Sir Alexander
Macleod died in command of the Corps, honoured by his comrades as
a gallant Soldier, esteemed as a kind Commander, and beloved as a
good man."
Macleod - Surgeon Bannatyne
William, C.B. - Bengal Army - died 3rd October 1856.
Born in Scotland, 1794. Served Ghuzni 1839 (medal), Sutlej 1845 (medal).
Grave at Simla - "Sacred
to the memory of Bannatyne Macleod, M.D.
& C.B. Supg Surgeon, Sirhind Division, who died at Simla on
the 3rd October 1856."
Macleod - Ensign Forbes
Brodie - 12th Madras Native Infantry - died 21st September 1827.
Grave at Vizianagram - "Sacred to the memory of Ensign Forbes Brodie
Macleod of the 12th Regiment N.I. who died on the 21st September
1827 aged 20 years. This monument is erected by his brother
officers as a mark of their esteem."
MacMullen - Lieutenant
Frederick Summers - 1st European Light Infantry - died 1st
November 1842.
Served Ghuzni 1839 (medal). Married Mary Bristow at Agra, 16th
May 1837.
Grave at Karnal - "Sacred
to the memory of Lieut. F.S.
MacMullen Late of the 1st European Light Infantry who departed
this life on the 1st November 1842 in the 26th year of his age
deeply regretted. This tomb was erected by his brother officers
as a token of their esteem."
- Lieutenant Edmund Francis - 16th Lancers - died 12th
October 1899.
Born 14th November 1870. Served Malakand 1897 (medal and bar).
Grave at Jhelum - "In memory of Edmund
F. Macnaghten Lieut 16th (Queens) Lancers eldest son of Col. Sir
Francis Macnaghten. Bt of Dundarave Co. Antrim Ireland. Drowned
while fishing on the Poonch River Oct. 12 1899. aged 28."
Macpherson - Captain George
Ewen - Bengal Staff Corps - died 17th September 1879.
Son of Major-General Sir James Duncan Macpherson, KCB (Bengal
Infantry). Born at Meerut, 8th February 1843. Served Umbeyla 1863
(medal and bar). Grave at Karnal - "Sacred to the memory of George Ewan
Macpherson Captain B.S.C. Officiating Depy Commissr Second son of
Major Genl Sir J.D. Macpherson KCB. Born 8th Feby 1843. Died 17th
Septr 1879. aged 36 years. It is not night if Thou be near."
MacPherson - Lieutenant John
Robert - 3rd Bengal European Regiment - died 27th August 1861.
Memorial at Christ Church, Cheltenham - "Sacred
to the
memory of Lieut. J.R. MacPherson, late 3rd Bengal European Regt, who
died at Calcutta, on the 27th Aug. 1861 aged 27 years. His brother
officers have erected this tablet as a mark of general respect for his
memory and sincere regret for his death."
- Lieutenant John Archibald - 1st Bn. 60th Royal Rifles - died
9th October 1852.
Served Punjab 1848 (medal and 2 bars).
Tablet in St. Luke's Church, Jullundur - "Sacred to the
memory of Lieut J.A. MacQueen 1st Battn 60th Royal Rifles who
died at Mooltan on the 20th October 1852 aged 31 years. This
tablet is erected by his brother officers as atoken of regard."
Macvicar -
Captain John Archibald - 93rd Foot - died 21st January 1880.
Grave at the Protestant Cemetery, Rome, Italy - "In memory of John
Archibald Macvicar Captain 93rd Highlanders who died at Rome Jany
21 1880 Aged 37 years."
Mactier - Captain Austruther
- 6th Bengal Light Cavalry - died 23rd July 1857.
Son of Anthony Mactier. Born in Calcutta, 6th May 1821. Served
Punjab 1848 (medal and 2 bars). Married Susan Young at
Ferozepore, 21st February 1848 (his second marriage).
Grave at Jullundur - "To the memory of Captain Austruther Mactier
6th regt Light Cavalry who died at Jullundur on the 23rd July
- Lieutenant John William - 88th Foot - died 6th October
Grave at Rawalpindi - "Sacred to the memory of Lieutenant John
William Maffett. 88th Connaught Rangers. Born 1 Mar 1841. Died 6
Oct 1867. Aged 26 yrs."
Magnay - Lieutenant
Christopher - 22nd Bengal Native Infantry - died 17th October
Served Punjab 1848 (medal).
Grave at Ferozepore - "Lieutenant C. Magnay. 22nd Regt Bengal NI
obit Ferozepore 17 October 1854. Erected by his brother officers."
- Captain Charles - 47th Foot - died 7th April 1827.
Grave at Berhampore - "Charles
Mainwaring, Esq. Captain in H.M. 47th
Regiment. died April 7th 1827, aged 38 years."
Mainwaring - Captain Charles
John - 1st Bengal Native Infantry - died 16th August 1848.
Son of Thomas Mainwaring (Bengal Civil Service). Born at Dacca, 2nd
June 1809. Served Sutlej 1845 (medal and bar).
Grave at Ludhiana - "Beneath rest the remains of Charles John
Mainwaring, Captain 1st Regt Bengal N.I. & Sub Assistant
Commissary General who departed this life at this station on the
16th May 1848, aged 39 years, most deeply mourned by his
sorrowing relatives and sincerely lamented by all who knew him."
Mairis - Ensign Edward
William - 1st Bengal European Light Infantry - died 14th
September 1843.
Grave at Subathu - "Sacred
to the memory of Ensign Mairis 1st
Bengal European Light Infantry. Who died at Soobhathoo September
14th 1843. This monument is erected by his brother officers as a
mark of their esteem."
"Sacred. Here rest the remains of Edward William Mairis Ens
1st Bengal Eurn Lt Infty who died of Fever at Subathoo Septr 14th
1843 in his 20th year. 9 months & 2 dys after his arrival in
India. Reader: respect this grave, it is that of one whose
disposition was eminently noble and whose character was based on
the Righteous desire of guiding his feet in the way of peace.
This tablet has been placed on this monument by his bereaved
father. Captn Mairis."
Maisey - General Frederick
Charles - Bengal Army - died 2nd September 1892.
Born in Neuchatal, Switzerland, 27th August 1825. Served Burma
1852, Mutiny 1857 (medal and bar). Married Sarah Knowles at
Simla, 13th June 1850.
Tablet in Christ Church, Simla - "In loving memory of Frederick
Charles Maisey, General, Bengal Army, for many years a resident
of Simla, who died Eastbourne, Sussex, on the 2nd September 1892.
Aged 67 years. This tablet is erected by his sorrowing widow and
- Captain James - Rifle Brigade - died 11th August 1834.
Memorial in Rippon Cathedral - "To the memory of James
Maister, Esquire, late Captain in the Rifle Brigade.
Beloved and esteemed while living, he died deeply lamented, Aug.
11th, 1834, in the 31st year of his age."
- Rear Admiral Sir Frederick Lewis, KCB - Royal Navy -
died 30th November 1839
Memorial in St. Anne's Church, Portsmouth - "To the memory of
Rear Admiral Sir Frederick Lewis Maitland KCB this gallant and
distinguished officer was most actively employed during the whole
period of his career and served in every clime he entered the
naval service very early in life, was a Midshipman on board the
"Southampton" in the action of the 1st June 1794,
commanded a division of gun boats in Egypt in 1801 and when in
command of the "Bellerophon" off Rochfort, Napolean
Buonaparte, after his defeat at Waterloo surrendered to him on
the 15th July 1815. He was Admiral Superintendent of Portsmouth
dockyard from the year 1832 to 1837 and Commander in Chief in
India from that date to the period of his decease.He died at sea
off Bombay on the 30th November 1839 aged 62. In testimony of
their deep sorrow, and to record their admiration of his talents,
his firmness, his gallantry and his worth this monument was
placed here by his brother officers, followers and friends."
Makepeace -
Major Charles - 4th Dragoons - died 24th June 1850.
Grave at St. Peter's Church, Leckhampton, Cheltenham, Glos - "Sacred to the
memory of Charles Makepeace, late Major in the 4th R.I. Dragoons,
died at Cheltenham 24th June 1850."
- Lieutenant Henry - Royal Artillery - died 11th July
Tablet in Christ Church, Simla - "Ubique.
Quo fas et gloria ducunt. In memory
of Roger John Mallock, Lieutenant Bengal Artillery. Born 4th
April 1828. Died at Simla 1st June 1852, and of Henry Mallock,
Lieutenant Royal Artillery. Born 27th August 1863. Died at Simla
11th July 1887."
Mallock - Lieutenant
RogerJohn - Bengal Artillery - died 1st June 1852.
Grave at Simla - "In
memory of Lieut R.J. Mallock Bengal
Artillery who died at Simla on 1st June 1852. This tomb is
erected by his brother officers."
Tablet in
Christ Church, Simla - "Ubique. Quo fas et gloria ducunt. In memory
of Roger John Mallock, Lieutenant Bengal Artillery. Born 4th
April 1828. Died at Simla 1st June 1852, and of Henry Mallock,
Lieutenant Royal Artillery. Born 27th August 1863. Died at Simla
11th July 1887."
Manby -
Captain Joseph Lane - 85th Foot - died 22nd November 1846.
Grave at St. Peter's Church, Leckhampton, Cheltenham, Glos - "Sacred to the
memory of Joseph Lane Manby late Captn and Paymaster of Her
Majesty's 85th Regt of Infantry, eldest son of the late Aaron
Manby Esqr, of Kingston, Jamaica by his wife Jane, eldest
daughter of the late Joseph Lane Esqr of Wolverhampton, who died
at Cheltenham 22nd November 1846, aged 72 years."
- Major Thomas - 6th Dragoon Guards - died 5th March
Cornet 1835. Halfpay 1855.
Memorial at St. Mary's church, Marlborough, Wiltshire - "To the glory of God
and in beloved memory of Major Thomas Manders VIth Dragoon Guards
(Carabiniers) twenty years Adjutant of the Royal Wiltshire
Yeomanry Cavalry. Born at Hilsborough July 20th 1802. Died at
Weston Super Mare March 5th 1892."
- Captain Henry - 39th Foot - died 31st May 1834.
Grave at Bhowanipore - "Sacred to the memory of Capt. Henry Mansell
39th Foot, ADC to the Governor General, who died 31st May 1834,
aged 43 years."
Mantell - Captain Thomas
Reginald Coleman - 48th Madras Native Infantry - died 16th November 1831.
Born 23rd June 1870 in Micheldever, Hampshire, son of Rev. Thomas
and Sarah Mantell.
Grave at Penang - "Sacred
to the memory of Captain Thomas
Reginald C. Mantell 48th Regiment Madras Army. Eldest son of the
Rev. T. Mantell Rector of Frensham, Surrey. He died on the 16th
November 1831 Aged 41 years. This stone was erected at the
request of an only brother in England who dearly loved him and
will never cease to lament his loss."
- Lieutenant-Colonel Edward Henry Le - Hampshire Regiment - killed
23rd May 1899.
Born 30 December 1853. Son of Robert Le Marchant, MA, MD,
originally from Guernsey, and his wife Eliza. Shot dead at a
regimental gymkhana, the assassin was captured, tried and hanged.
Brother of the two officers below.
Grave at Taikal Cemetery, Peshawar - "Sacred to the memory of Edward
Henry Le Marchant Lt Col, commanding 1st Battn Hampshire Regt who
was shot by a fanatic in this station on the 23rd March 1899,
aged 45 years. Erected by the officers, N.C.O's and men of both
Memorial at
St Peter's Church , Little Rissington - "Edward Henry, Born
30th Dec 1853 Lieut Colonel Commanding 1st Batt. Hampshire
Regiment served in the Afghan War 1878-80. Shot by a fanatic at
Peshawar India 23rd March 1899."
Marchant -
Lieutenant-Colonel Lewis St. Gratien Le - East Lancashire
Regiment - killed 9th September 1914.
Born 2nd December 1866. Son of Robert Le Marchant, MA, MD,
originally from Guernsey, and his wife Eliza. Brother of above
Memorial at St Peter's Church , Little Rissington - "Lewis St. Gratien
Lieut Colonel D.S.O. Commanding 1st Batt East Lancs. Regt. served
with the Chitral Relief Force India 1895 and throughout the South
African War 1899-1902 Born at Little Risington 2nd December 1866
was killed at La Ferte Sous Jouarre France whilst leading his
Regt. at the Battle of the Marne 9th Sept 1914."
Marchant -
Major Osmond Cecil Le - Roysl Sussex Regiment - died 4th
February 1943.
Son of Robert Le Marchant, MA, MD, originally from Guernsey, and
his wife Eliza. Brother of above officer.
Memorial at St Peter's Church , Little Rissington - "Osmond Cecil Le
Marchant Major 1st Battn. Royal Sussex Regiment. Born 25th Sept
1860 Died 4th Feb 1943. He served throughout the Egyptian War
1882 & Saw further service in the Sudan and N.W. Frontier of
Mardall - Lieutenant Frank -
3rd Punjab Cavalry - died 9th November 1880.
Son of Major-General Francis Mardall (Madras Staff Corps). Born
in Madras, 24th October 1851. Served Afghanistan 1878.
Grave at Dera Ghazi Khan - "In affectionate memory of Frank Mardall
Lieut and adjutant 3rd Punjab Cavalry born October 24th 1851 died
November 9th 1880 interred here March 30th 1881."
Marley -
Lieutenant William Shakespear - 59th Foot - died 3rd May
Grave at Bhowanipore - "Sacred to the memory of Lieut. William
Shakespear Marley of His Majesty's 59th Regt. who departed this
life on the 3d May 1828, aged 27 years."
Marshall - Lieutenant William
- 2/20th Madras Native Infantry - died 31st January 1819.
Grave at Vizagapatam - "Underneath are deposited the remains of
Lieutenant and Adjutant William Marshall of the 2nd Battalion 20th
Regiment N.I. who departed this life on the 31st January 1819."
Martin - Lieutenant Cunliffe
Hamilton - 4th
Bengal Lancers - Died 5th October 1900.
Memorial in Christ Church, Cheltenham - "Sacred to the
memory of Cunliffe Hamilton Martin, Lieut. 4th Bengal Lancers, son of
Colonel Cunliffe Martin CB, and Frances Mary his wife, who died at
Ajmir Rajputana, on 5 Oct. 1900, in his 26th year, of fever contracted
at the end of a year's arduous work in relieving famine, deeply loved
in life, deeply mourned in death, by his family and friends."
Martin - Captain George
Edward - 7th Madras Native Infantry - died 15th June 1873.
Grave at Waltair - "Erected
by his widow and sacred to the
memory of George Edward Martin, Captain, Madras Staff Corps
Quarter Master 7th Regt. M.N.I. second son of James Martin Esqre.
formerly Captain Rifle Brigade. Born in London 1st November 1838.
Died at Waltair, Vizagapatam 15th June 1873.
Martin - Captain John - 41st
Bengal Native Infantry - Died 19th October 1838.
Tablet in St. John's Church, Calcutta - "Sacred to the
memory of Captain John Martin, 41st Regt N.I. who was
unfortunately drowned on board the ship 'Protector' in a gale off
the Sandheads on the 19th of October 1838, aged 38 years. This
tablet has been erected by a friend, who appreciated his many
worthy and estimable qualities."
Massey -
Captain J.G.A. - Royal Irish Regiment - died 25th July
Tablet in Christhurch, Rawalpindi - "In affectionate memory of Captain J.G.A.
Massey, The Royal Irish Regiment, of Kingswell, County Tipperary,
who died at Srinagar on the 25th day of July 1908. Erected by his
brother officers."
Mather - Major Oswald Mather
- 2/9th Jat Regiment - died 7th September 1935.
Grave at Cheltenham Borough Cemetery, Gloucestershire - "In loving memory of
Major Oswald Mather late 2/9th Jat Regiment, Indian Army. Son of
Arthur and Ethel Mather. Born October 17th 1888. Died September 7th
Matheson -
Lieutenant-General Thomas - 23rd Foot - died 14th February
Grave at Lairg Cemetery, Sutherland, Scotland - "Capt. Donald
Matheson, Shiness, died 4 Feb 1810, age 64 Lt. Gen. Thomas
Matheson, 3rd son of Donald M., Esq., Shinness, born Shiness, 28
Aug 1788, died Achany, 14 Feb 1873; entered army 1815, 2nd Lt. 23rd
Foot (Royal Welsh Fusiliers), Lt. Col. 1843, MP for Ashburton
1847-52; brother Sir James Matheson."
Mathison -
Lieutenant John Augustus - 77th Foot - died 5th November 1868.
Joined the Royal Navy in 1796 and was appointed Clerk in 1805.
Served on HMS
Temeraire at Trafalgar in 1805 (did not receiev/claim his NGS
medal?). He resigned in 1806. Commissioned in 1811 to 77th Foot.
Also served with the 17th Portuguese and British 32nd Foot. (MGS
7 bars). Captain and Lt.-Colonel Canadian Militia.
Grave at St. James' (Anglican) Church cemetery, Hudson, Quebec,
Canada -
"Sacred to the memory of John Augustus Mathison Lieut. of H.M.
77 Foot and Captn. of the 17 Portugese Grenadiers Born in London,
England Dec. 25th, 1781 Died in Hudson, Canada Nov. 5th 1868 aged
87 years and of his wife Harriet Vanderburgh Died 9th May 1888
aged 80."
Maule -
Lieutenant-Colonel Lauderdale - 79th Foot - died 1st August
1854. .
Born at Brechin Castle 25th March 1807. Son of William, Baron
Panmure. Deputy-Lieutenant of Forfarshire 1850. M.P. for
Forfarshire July 1852 to August 1854. Surveyor-General of
Ordnance January 1853. Served in the Crimea, died of cholera at
Memorial at Panbride Church, Scotland - "Sacred
to the Memeory of The Honourable
Lauderdale Maule, second son of William Lord Panmure, Member of
Parliament for the county of Forfar. Surveyor general of the
ordnance, Colonel in Her Majesty's service, and for some years in
command of Her My's. 79th. regiment The Cameron Highlanders. This
monument is erected in testimony of the devoted affection and
friendship of Anatole Demidoff."
Maunsell - Assistant-Surgeon Robert Frederick - 104th Fusiliers -
died 8th November 1869.
Memorial at Parade Ground cemetery, Cherat - "Sacred to the
memory of R.F. Maunsell staff asst. surgeon attached to 104th
Fusiliers died 8th November 1869. R.I.P. removed to Ireland 26th
Oct. 1870."
Maxwell -
General Henry Hamilton - Bengal Artillery - died 28th May
Served Maharajpore 1843 (star) and Sutlej Campaign (medal and 2
Grave at the Protestant Cemetery, Rome, Italy - "Henry Hamilton
Maxwell General Royal Artillery (Bengal) B. 3 March 1824 D. Rome
28 May 1892."
- Lieutenant Robert - 11th Light Dragoons - died 27th
August 1825.
Served at Bhurtpore.
Grave at Meerut - "Sacred
to the memory of Robert Maxwell, Esq.
Lieutenant H.M. 11th Light Dragoons, who died on 27th August 1825,
aged 27 years and 10 months."
- Lieutenant Stuart John Mild Max - Royal Horse Artillery - died
23rd January 1860.
Born October 1835. Served Crimea (medal and 4 bars, Legion of
Honor), Mutiny 1857 (medal and bar).
Grave at Ambala cemetery - "Sacred to the memory of Lieutt Stuart John
Mild Max Maxwell of E troop Royal Horse Artillery who died at
Umballa on the 23rd January 1860 aged 24 years 3 months. Beloved
by all who knew him."
Maynard - Colonel Francis
Newland Martin - Bengal Staff Corps - died 16th October 1890.
Born 21st February 1837. Served Mutiny 1857 (medal and bar).
Married Blanche Kavanagh at Lucknow, 31st December 1869.
Grave at Srinagar - "In loving memory of Francis N.M. Maynard
late Colonel in H.M's Bengal Staff Corps Died 16th October 1890."
Mayne -
Captain C.F.H. - 61st Foot - died 22nd April 1846.
Grave at Cawnpore - "Sacred to the memory of Captain C.F.H. Mayne
HM 61st Regt who departed this life 22nd April 1846 aged 35 years
and 6 months. This tomb is erected by his brother officers."
Mayne - Assistant-Surgeon
Edgar William -37th Bengal Native Infantry - died 2nd August
Grave at Jhelum - "Sacred
to the memory of Edgar William Mayne
Esqr late an asst surgeon in the 37th Regt N.I. who died at
Jhelum on the 2nd August 1851 aged 29 years. This tomb is erected
by his brother officers."
McCarthy -
Captain William - The City of Cork Regiment - died 15th July
Grave at St. Mary's Churchyard, Clonmel, Co. Tipperary, Ireland -
to the memory of Captain Michael McCarthy late of The City of
Cork Regiment who departed this life the 15th day of July 1835
aged 70 years. Also his wife Jane who departed this life 31st
March 1856."
McCartney -
Ensign Arthur - 24th Light Dragoons - died 3rd October 1846.
Grave at Cawnpore - "Ensign Arthur McCartney HM 24th Light
Dragoons died 3rd October 1846 aged 29 years."
McCausland -
Major Frank Milburn - Royal Scots - died 13th January 1933.
Grave at Quetta - "In loving memory of
Frank Milburn McCausland. Major 2nd Battalion The Royal Scots (The
Royal Regiment). Died at Sibi 13 Jan 1933."
McCreery -
Surgeon Henry - 9th Foot - died 28th September 1838.
Grave at Hazareebaug - "Henry McCreery, Esq. M.D. Surgeon in H.M. 9th
Regiment of Infantry, died 28th Sept. 1838, aged 53 years."
McDonnell -
Lieutenant Reginald - Royal Canadian Rifle Regiment - 20th
December 1851.
St. Vincent de Paul's Church, Niagara, Canada - "To the memory of
Lieut. Adjt. Reginald McDonnell, Royal Canadian Rifle Regt., who
died at Niagara, C. W., on the 20th Dec. 1851, aged 39 years."
McDougall - Major John -
2/6th Native Infantry - died 2nd March 1813.
Grave at Chitradurga, Mysore - "Sacred to the memory of Major John
McDougall, 2nd Batn. 6th Regt. N.I. Died 2nd March 1813. Aged 37
McIntosh - Surgeon Robert -
Bengal Army - died 31st
October 1847.
Grave at Rajpura cemetery, Delhi - "Sacred to the memory of Robert
McIntosh, Surgeon Bengal Establishment, who departed this life at
Delhie, on the 31st October 1847, aged 47 years 10 months and 8
McKinnon - Lieutenant-Colonel
Charles Kenneth - Bengal Staff Corps - died 8th March 1887.
Son of Surgeon Kenneth McKinnon (Bengal Medical Service). Born at
Muzaffarpur, Tirhut, 15th December 1840. Served Mutiny 1858 (medal),
Umbeyla 1863 (medal and bar). Married Anna Broadfoot at
Gurdaspur, 14th November 1867.
Grave at Bannu - "In
memory of Lieut-Col. Charles Kenneth
McKinnon Bengal Staff Corps 8th March 1887."
Mclean - Lieutenant
Lauchlan Alexander - 67th Bengal Native Infantry - died 23rd
December 1846.
Married Eliza Quinan at Benares, 29th September 1842.
Grave at Rajpura cemetery, Delhi - "Sacred to the memory of Lachlan
Alexander Maclean. Late a Lieut. in the 67th regt. N.I. who
departed this life on the 23rd of December 1846, aged 25 years 2
months and 28 days. This monument is raised as a slight tribute
to a kind, good, & affectionate husband by his sorrowing
McMahon - Lieutenant Arthur
Henry Townshend - 9th Bengal Native Infantry - died 3rd
January 1844.
Son of Captain Alexander McMahon (67th N.I.). Born at Agra, 5th
November 1819.
Grave at Ferozepore - "Sacred to the memory of L.A.H.T. M.Mahon 9
Reg N.I. who departed this life at Maddejedoo on the 3rd January
1844 in the 25th year of his age. This tomb is erected by his
brother officers as a token of their friendship esteem and regard."
McMaster - Brigadier-General
Andrew Cooke - Madras Army - died 22nd June 1879.
Served Mutiny 1858 (medal).
Grave at Multan - "In
memory of Brigadier General A. C.
McMaster Madras Army who died when in command of the Madras
Brigade at Mooltan on June 22nd 1879. this stone is erected by
his friends and brother officers as a token of their esteem and
McMorine - Captain
Charles - Bengal Horse Artillery - died 20th February 1843.
Grave at Rajpura cemetery, Delhi - "Sacred to the memory of Capt
Charles McMorine, 2nd Troop 3rd Brigade Horse Artillery who
departed this life on the 20th February 1843, Aged 41 years, 7
months and 6 days. This monument is erected by his affectionate
- Major Charles Noble - Bengal Staff Corps - Died 24th
March 1871.
Son of Captain Robert McMullin (44th N.I.). Born in Mauritius,
Grave at Ambala cemetery - "Sacred
to the memory of Charles Noble
McMullin Major Bengal Staff Corps who departed this life at
Bussee near Umballa at the age of 39."
- Captain R.A. - 61st Bengal Native Infantry - Died 18th
May 1845.
Tablet in St. John's Church, Calcutta - "Sacred to the
memory of Captain R.A. McNaghten late of the 61st Regiment Bengal
Native Infantry who departed this life 18th May 1845, aged 49
years. this tablet is erected by the officers of the Regiment as
a slight tribute to departed worth."
- Captain George Augustus - 38th Foot - died 24th July
1862. Served China 1860 (medal and 2 bars).
Grave at Taikal Cemetery, Peshawar - "Sacred to the memory George
Augustus Mc'Nair Captain in H.Ms 38th Regiment and Offg
Commandant 20th Regt Punjabees who died at Peshawur on the 24th
July 1862 aged 32 years. This monument is erected by his brother
officers & by the Native Officers, Non Commissioned officers,
and men of the 20th Punjabees."
- Colonel James Agnew - 8th Bengal Lancers - died 13th August 1901.
Son of John McNeale, of Rush Park, Co. Antrim. Born in Belfast,
27th December 1843. Served Afghanistan 1879 (medal).
Grave at Gulmarg - "In
loving memory of Col. James Agnew McNeale
Genl. list Infantry. Late of the 8th Bengal Lancers who died at
Gulmarg August 13th 1901 Aged 57 years."
- Ensign Alexander Grant -
18th Bengal Native Infantry - died 29th
April 1852.
Served Punjab 1848 (medal).
Grave at Ferozepore - "Ensign Alexander Grant McPherson. 18th Regt
Bengal N.I. obit Ferozepore 29th April 1852."
McPherson - Lieutenant-General
Duncan - HEICS - died 24th November 1853.
Grave at St
Peter's church, Leckhampton, Cheltenham - "Lt.
Genl. Duncan McPherson, HEICS. Died Novr
24th 1853 aged 75 years. Also Alexandrina his wife died 15th Novr
1870 aged 72 years."
Mcready -
Major Edward Nevil - 30th Foot - died 4th November 1848.
Grave at St Peter's, Leckhampton, Cheltenham - "Sacred to the
memory of Edward Nevil Macready, Major Unattached, late 30th Regt.
who died suddenly at Clevedon, Somerset, on the 4th day of Novr
1848, aged 50 years. Also of Martha Sara his widow died Aug 7
1887 aged 82."
Mecham -
Captain Clifford Henry - Madras Staff Corps - died 12th September 1865.
Born in Loughborough, 24th November 1831. Served Mutiny 1857 (medal
and 2 bars, wounded).
Grave at Ambala cemetery - "Here rests in hope the body of Clifford
Henry Meacham Captain Madras Staff Corps who died at Kalka Septr
12th 1865 aged 33 years. his short life was devoted to the
earnest performance of his duty, and his memory lives in the
record of the gallant defence of Lucknow, and the memorable
events of that period. his end was peace. This stone is erected
in affectionate remembrance by the officers of the 10th Bengal
Family tomb
in Jersey - "Clifford
Henry Madras Staff Corps born Nov 24 1831 died at Kulka India Feb
22 1865."
Brother of
Captain Richard Mecham (below).
Mecham -
Captain Richard - Bengal Horse Artillery - Murdered 5th
November 1859.
Born in Loughborough, 12th July 1826. Served Punjab 1848(medal
and 2 bars). While being carried, very ill, from Bannu to Kohat
he was murdered by a gang of Darwesh Khel Waziris, near Latamar;
5th November 1859. One of the murderers was captured and hanged.
Brother of Captain Clifford Henry Mecham (see above).
Grave at Bannu cemetery - "Sacred to the memory of Captain Richard
Meacham Bengal Artillery who was murdered by Wuzeeree robbers
near Latuma on the night of the 5th November 1859. aged 34 years.
this tomb was erected by his brother officers as a token of
A monument
was placed near Latamar - "Near
this spot was murdered on the night of
the 5th November 1859 by Wairee robbers Richard Meacham Captain
Bengal Artillery being cowardly deserted by his police escort.
This tribute is erected by his brother Clifford Henry Meacham
Captain Madras Army on visiting the spot November 1869."
Family tomb
in Jersey - "Richard Capt Bengal
H.A born July 12 1826 killed by marauders near Latama Punjab in
India Nov 5 1859. Clifford Henry Madras Staff Corps born Nov 24
1831 died at Kulka India Feb 22 1865."
Medley -
Lieutenant-General Julius George - Royal Engineers - died
12th August 1884.
Born 19th July 1829. Served Mutiny 1857 (medal and 2 bars).
Married Adelaide Steel at Simla, 9th August 1858. Died on board S.S.
Ravenna, at Port Said.
Tablet in Christ Church, Simla - "Sacred to the memory of Lt General
Julius George Medley Royal Engineers who died at sea when
returning to England August 12th 1884. Aged 55 years 24 days.
Erected by his sorrowing widow."
- Major G. - 67th Foot - died 18th March 1814.
Grave at Cawnpore -
"Major G.
Meddlicott HM 67th Regt died 18th
March 1814 aged 39 years."
Mee - Ensign John
Edmund - 38th Bengal Native Infantry - died 10th June 1839.
Born 1809, son of Joseph Mee, of London.
Grave at Rajpura cemetery, Delhi - "In memory of Ensign John E. Mee 38th
regiment N.I. who died at Delhi on the 10th of June 1839 in his
30th year. this tomb is erected by his brother officers."
Mellor -
Lieutenant-Colonel James - Madras Army - died 31st December
Grave at St. Peter's Church, Leckhampton, Cheltenham, Glos - "Sacred to the
memory of Lieut. Colonel James Mellor, late of the Madras Army,
who died December 31st 1869, Aged 70 years."
Melville -
Captain Robert - 68th Foot - died 1845.
Grave at St. Mark's Cemetery, Niagara, Canada - "Robert Melville,
Capt. H.M. 68th Regt., died 1845."
Merritt -
Major Thomas - Queen's Rangers - died 12th May 1842.
St. George's Church, St. Catharines, Canada - "In memory of Thomas
Merritt, Esq., Cornet of the Queen's Rangers under Col. Simcoe
during the American Revolution, and Major commanding the cavalry
on this frontier in the war of 1812. Appointed Surveyor of Woods
and Forests on 20th May, 1800, and Sheriff of the Niagara
District, 5th October, 1803. Departed this life 12th May, 1842,
aged 83."
- Lieutenant James - 1/22nd Bengal Native Infantry - died
19th September 1808.
Born at Hungerford, Berkshire, 1782. Name spelled wrongly on
grave stone.
Grave at Meerut - "Sacred
to the memory of Lieutenant James
Merryck 1st Battalion 22nd Regiment Native Infantry who departed
this life on the 19th September 1808 in the 27th year of his age."
- Captain Cathcart - 20th Bengal Native Infantry - died
26th November 1823.
Grave at Calcutta - "Sacred to the memory of Cathcart Methven,
Captain in the 20th B.N.I. who departed this life 26th November
- Captain Francis - 41st Foot - died 27th October 1866.
Ensign 1855. Lieut. 1857.
Memorial at St. Lawrence's church, Hungerford, Berkshire - "Sacred to the
memory of Capt. Francis Michell of Her Majesty's 41st Foot,
youngest son of the late Revd. T.P. Michell of Standen Hussey
Hungerford, who died at Southampton on the 27th of Octb. 1866 in
his 29th year of consumption on his return from India. He is
buried in the cemetery at Southampton."
- Major William Gustavus Alexander - 93rd Foot - died 21st
October 1862.
Son of Lieutenant-Colonel William Middleton (42nd Highlanders,
served Peninsula). Born at Gibraltar in 1828. Served Mutiny 1857
(medal and 2 bars).
Grave at Jalozai - "Sacred
to the memory of Major W.G.A.
Middleton. Ensign J.St.C. Drysdale. Asst. Surgeon S. Hope. 61
Rank and File. 13 Women, 15 children, all of the 93rd Sutherland
Highlanders who died of cholera at or near this spot during the
month of October 1862."
- Lieutenant Reginald - 1/10th Native Infantry - died 23rd
November 1805.
Grave at Chitradurga, Mysore - "Sacred to the memory of Lt. Regd.
Milburn, 1st Batn. 10th Regt. N.I., who departed this life Novr.
23rd 1805, aged 27. This stone was placed by his brother officers
as a sincere mark of their esteem for his many amiable qualities."
Miles -
Colonel Charles Napier, CB, MVO - 1st Life Guards - died
25th May 1918.
Born 9 April 1854, son of Colonel C.W. Miles of Burtonhill,
Malmesbury. Lieut. 1875. Lt-Col. 1895. Colonel 1902. Served Egypt
1882 (medal & clasp, Khedive's star) and South Africa 1900 (MID,
CB, medal & 3 clasps). MVO 1901. Retired 1906.
Memorial at Malmesbury Abbey, Wiltshire - "In loving memory of
Charles Napier Miles CB MVO Colonel 1st Life Guards who died May
25th 1918 in his 64th year. He served in the Egyptian Campaign
1882 and commanded the Composite Regiment of Household Cavalry in
the South African War 1900. This lasting tribute of love was
placed by his wife."
Millar -
Colonel Francis Jeffrey - Madras Staff Corps - died 11th
September 1881.
Married Mary Rae at Calcutta, 22nd September 1854.
Grave in Gujranwala - "Colonel
Francis Jeffrey Millar M.S.C. Died
11th September 1881, aged 50 years."
Miller -Lieutenant
Alan Stewart - Royal Artillery - died 9th August 1895.
Tablet in Christchurch, Rawalpindi - "In memory of Alan Stewart Miller.
Lieutenant Royal Artillery (No.8 Mountain Battery) Born at
Richmond, Yorkshire 4 Mar. 1869. Died at Cherat 9 Aug. 1895 from
sickness contracted in the Chitral campaign of that year. Erected
by his mother."
Miller -
Captain William Uvedale - 38th Foot - died 15th October
Memorial at St. Marys Church, Froyle, Hampshire - "In memory of
Willam Uvedale Miller, Captain in Her Majesty's 38th Regiment of
Foot, fifth son of the Revd Sir Thomas Combe Miller, Baronet, of
Froyle, Hants. Born August 5th 1835, died October 15th 1868."
Miller -
Captain James Boyd - 15th Hussars - died 12th April 1866.
Grave at the Protestant Cemetery, Rome, Italy - "To the memory of
James Boyd Miller late Captain 15th King's Hussars who died at
Rome April 12th 1866 aet 43."
- Major-General Montague - Bengal Army - died 27th
February 1901.
Son of Charles Millett (HEICS). Born at Droxford, Hants. 4th
December 1849. Served Mutiny 1857 (medal and bar).
Grave at Multan - "Sacred
to the memory of Montague Millett
third son of the late Charles Millett H.E.I.C.S. Major General
Bengal Infantry Born 4 December 1839 Died 27 February 1901. He
served throughout the Indian Mutiny Present at several
engagements and the capture of Lucknow."
Mills -
Major Arthur Samuel - 58th Bengal Native Infantry - died
3rd September 1858.
Born at Harrow, Middlesex, 1816. Served Punniar 1843 (star).
Married Charlotte Burkinyoung at Mirzapur, 7th June 1843.
Grave at Murree - "Sacred
to the memory of Major Arthur Samuel
Mills of the 58th Regt of Native Infantry who died at Murree on
the 3rd Septr 1858 aged 42 years. This tomb is erected by the
Native Commissioned Non Commissioned Officers, Privates, and
Establishments of the Regiment, as a mark of their respect and
esteem for the deceased."
- Lieutenant Rintoul Archer - 4th Dragoon Guards - died 5th
October 1897.
Memorial in Christchurch, Rawalpindi - "Sacred
to the memory of: Rintoul Archer
Milward-Jones, Lieutenant, 4th Dragoon Guards, who died at Murree
October 5th 1897. Aged 31. Thomas Frederick Newcome Jones,
Captain, 4th Dragoon Guards. Shot on patrol near Jumrood October
10th 1897. Aged 31. Charles Crosbie, Lieutenant, 4th Dragoon
Guards, who departed this life at Rawalpindi from an accident at
polo January 12th 1898. Aged 23. Erected by their brother
officers. Also of Gabriel Burrell Geach, Captain, 4th Dragoon
Guards, who died at Murree 1st July 1899. Aged 37. Hon William
Wrotteseley, Captain, 4th Dragoon Guards, who died at sea 1st Oct.
1899. Aged 36."
- Lieutenant William H. - 38th Foot - died 28th June
Grave at Cawnpore -
"Lieut William H
Minchin HM's 38th Regiment
deceased 28th June 1827 aged 30 years and 6 months."
- Lieutenant-Colonel Sir Charles Bullen Hugh, G.C.M.G. - Royal
Marine Light Infantry - died 7th December 1899.
Memorial in St. Andrew's Cathedral, Singapore - "To the glory of God
and in memory of His Excellency Lieutenant Colonel Sir Charles
Bullen Hugh Mitchell Royal Marine Light Infantry, G.C.M.G.
Governor of the Colony who died in Singapore on the 7th December
1899. This tablet is erected by the members of the Civil Service
of the Straits Settlements."
- Captain Robert - 6th Madras Native Infantry - died 9th
February 1838.
Grave at Vizianagram - "Sacred to the memory of Captain Robert
Mitchell late of the 6th Regiment N.Infantry who departed this
life on the 9th February 1838 aged 37 years."
- Major William Somerville - 22nd Madras Native Infantry - died
22nd February 1865.
Born in Armagh, 15th April 1827. Son of Major William Mitchell (22nd
Grave at Penang - "Sacred to the memory of Major
Somerville Mitchell 22nd Regiment. Aged 38."
- Paymaster John - 70th Foot - died 27th June 1854.
Grave at Ferozepore - "Sacred to the memory of John Mockler Eqsr
Paymaster of H.M. 70th or Surrey Regt who died at Ferozepore 27th
June 1854 aged 46 years & 4 months. This tomb was erected by
his brother officers."
Moffat -
Surgeon David - 3rd Ceylon Regiment - died 16th July 1844.
Grave at Marown, Isle of Man - "Sacred to the memory of David
Surgeon of the late 3rd Ceylon Regt. Born at Dalkeith, near
Edinburgh, on the1st of June 1787, died at Eyreton in this parish
on the 16th of July 1844, aged 63 years."
Moir -
Colonel George, C.B. - Royal Horse Artillery - died 5th
February 1870.
Born 13th March 1820. Served Maharajpoor 1843 (star), Sutlej 1845
(medal and 2 bars), Punjab 1848 (medal and 2 bars), Mutiny 1857 (medal
and 2 bars, C.B). Married Maria Bean at Dum-Dum, 28th July 1858.
Grave at Ambala cemetery - "IHS In loving memory of George Moir C.B.
Colonel Royal Horse Artillery died at Umballa 5th February 1870
in his 50th year."
Molesworth -
Lieutenant George Nassau - Royal Irish Fusiliers - died 28th
July 1886.
Memorial in St. John's Church, Peshawar - "Sacred to the
memory of George Nassau Molesworth, Lieutenant, 1st battalion
Royal Irish Fusiliers, fourth son of Major-General H.J.
Molesworth, RA who died at Cherat of enteric fever 28th July 1886.
Aged 20 years."
- Lieutenant Frederick - 98th Foot - died 20th September
Son of Charles Möller (ex-Lieutenant 18th Hussars, of Danish
descent). Born 25th December 1825.
Grave at Peshawar - "Sacred to the memory of Lieut F. Moller H.M.
98th Regt who died at Peshawur 20th Sept 1850. This monument is
erected by his brother officers as a token of regard."
Molloy -
Colonel Edward, C.B. - 5th Goorkha Rifles - died 1st
February 1905.
Son of Robert Malloy (attorney in Calcutta). Born in Calcutta, 15th
June 1842. Served Bhutan 1865 (medal and bar), Hazara 1868 (bar),
Afghanistan 1878 (medal and bar, star), Hazara 1891 (bar), C.B.
1899. Died of pneumonia at Lugano, Switzerland. Married Mary
Townsend at Lahore, 25th April 1881.
Tablet in St. Luke's Church, Abbottabad - "To the memory of
Colonel Edward Malloy, C.B. who died at Lugano on the 1st
February 1905 aged 62. He served with distinction in the 5th
Goorkha Rifles for twenty-five years, raised the 2nd Battalion in
1886 and commanded it for seven years. This tablet is erected by
his brother officers in affectionate remembrance."
Money -
Lieutenant-Colonel Erule Edmund - 9th Bengal Lancers - died
20th December 1894.
Born in Ode, Norfolk, 23rd January 1849. Served Afghanistan 1878
(medal), Hazara 1888 (medal and bar). Married Alice Drummond at
Simla, 21st October 1876. Killed by a dafadar of his regiment (who
also killed a risaldar and wounded a native officer), who was
tried and hanged for murder.
Grave at Rawalpindi - "Sacred to the memory of Lt Colonel E.E.
Money, Commandant 9th Bengal Lancers, who died at Camp Muridiki
on 20th December 1894. Erected by his brother officers as a token
of their esteem and regard."
Tablet in Christ Church, Simla - "In
memory of Lieutenant Colonel Erule Edmund
Money commandant 9th Bengal Lancers who died at Muridki 20th
December 1894 aged 45 years. This tablet is erected by his
friends to mark the loss sustained by the army and themselves."
Monsell - 2nd
Lieutenant Charles Graham - 3rd Foot - died
29th April 1896.
Grave at Peshawar - "In memory of Charles Graham Monsell. 2nd
Lieutenant 1st Battalion The Buffs. Died Peshawar 29th April 1896."
Montgomerie -
Captain Hugh - 57th Foot - died 29th January 1820.
Grave at St. Mary's Churchyard, Clonmel, Co. Tipperary, Ireland -
to the memory of Captain Hugh Montgomerie of his Majesty's 57th
Regiment who after a period of 21 years service, died at Clonmel
on the 29th of January 1820 in the 43rd year of his age,
universally esteemed and sincerely lamented by his brother
Montgomerie -
Lieutenant-Colonel Patrick - Royal Engineers - died 8th
January 1886.
Grave at Waltair - "Sacred
to the memory of Patrick Montgomerie
Lt.Col. Royal Engineers who died at Waltair January 8th 1886.
Aged 48."
- Lieutenant James - Madras Artillery - died 4th June
Memorial in Holy Trinity Church, Bangalore - "Sacred to the
Memory of Hugh Montgomery, Major in the Madras Artillery and for
many years Superintendent of a Division in Mysore; who, after
having greatly exerted and distinguished himself at the capture
of Rangoon, on the 12th and 14th April 1852, died at Calcutta on
the 4th day of June 1852, Age 43. This Tablet is erected by his
brother Officers in the Mysore Commission."
- Lieutenant James - Bengal Army - died 18th April 1843.
Served Afghanistan 1842 (medal, wounded twice).
Grave at Simla - "Sacred
to the memory of Lieutt James
Montgomery who died at Simla April 18th 1843 aetat 25. Erected by
his brother officers as a token of their sincere esteem &
Montgomery -
Lieutenant John - 53rd Foot - died 8th
February 1815.
Grave at Meerut - "Lieutenant
John Montgomery HM 53rd (Shropshire)
Regiment of Foot. Died 8 February 1815 Aged 47 years. Memorial
erected by members of Lodge No. 248."
Montgomery -
Captain John Myers - 49th Foot - died 14th December 1849.
Memorial at St. Paul's church, Penzance - "Sacred to the
memory of John Myers Montgomery, Esq. Captain 49th Regiment, who
died at Templemore 14th December 1849, aged 44 years. He served
with the 49th Regiment twenty years, and was severely wounded in
action at Segoan in China. This tablet was erected by his brother
officers in testimony of their sincere regard."
Moore -
Lieutenant James - 29th Foot - died 30th December 1843.
Grave at Monghyr - "Sacred
to the memory of Lieut. James Moore,
H.M.'s 29th Regt. of Foot, departed this life 30th December 1843,
aged 38 years, leaving a widow and three orphan children to
deplore his irreparable loss. This monument is erected by his
disconsolate widow."
Moore - Major
James - Bengal Army - died 26th January 1785.
Grave at Ghuhutty, near Pultah - "To the memory of Major James Moore,
who so gallantly distinguished himself during the late war, he
died the 26th of January 1785, aged 34 years."
Moorsom -
Major-General Charles J. - 30th Foot - died
Tablet in Christ Church, Rawalpindi - "In
memory of Major General Charles J.
Moorsom, late XXX Regiment, who commanded the Rawalpindi Division
1895-1899 and who died at Pretoria, South Africa 1908."
Morant -
Lieutenant James Lushington - 3rd Punjab Cavalry - died 1st February 1902.
Grave at Rawalpindi - "In loving memory of James Lushington Morant,
Lieutenant 3rd Punjab Cavalry, only son of the late Lieutenant
Colonel Morant, RE, who died 1st February 1902. Aged 24."
Morgan -
Chaplain Aaron Augustus - Army Works Corps - died 17th
October 1888.
Grave at the Protestant Cemetery, Rome, Italy - "Sacred To the
memory of the Revd. Aaron Augustus Morgan M.A. formerly Rector of
Bradley Lincoln then Chaplain to the Army Works Corps in the
Crimea then Vicar of St. JohnS Brighton and latterly Rector of
Great Casterton Rutlands Born in London on 6th March 1822 died at
Tivoli on 17th October 1888."
Morland -
Captain George William - 6th Foot - died 23rd September 1874.
Memorial at St. Helen's, Abingdon, Oxfordshire - "In memory of George
William Morland Captain 6th Regiment 2nd son of George Bowes
Morland of Abingdon. Born 8th August 1839 Died at Amritzar East
India 23rd September 1874."
Morphy -
Major Martin - 40th Foot - died 18th September 1880.
Memorial at Royal Garrison Church, Portsmouth - "To the glory of God
and in memory of Martin Morphy Major XL Regiment who was killed
by the Great Landslip at Pani Tal East Indies on 18th September
1880. The tiling of this wall has been dedicated by his brother
officers in token of their love & esteem."
Morrell - Ensign T. - 15th
Madras Native Infantry - died 26th May 1831.
Grave on the Shimoga-Sagar Road, Shimoga - "Sacred to the
memory of Ensign T. Morrell, 15th Regiment N.I., who died in camp
at Anantapore on 26th May, 1831, aged 21 years. Erected by his
brother officers as a mark of esteem."
Morris -
Lieutenant Augustus Burke - 20th Bengal Native Infantry - died
20th September 1849.
Son of Lieutenant-Colonel Lawrence Burke Morris (Bengal Infantry).
Born at Cawnpore, 29th July 1811. Served Punjab 1848 (medal and 2
bars). Grave at Srinagar - "To the memory of Lt & Brevet Capt.
Augustus Burke Morris 20th Regiment N.I. & Major at
Rawalpindi, who died at Kashmir on the 20th September 1849 - Aged
38 years. This tablet was erected as a mark of esteem by his
brother officers."
Morris -
Assistant-Surgeon William Gardiner - Sirmoor Battalion - died
13th January 1858.
Born in Philadelphia, USA, 1826.
Grave in Rajpura cemetery, Delhi - "Here
lie the mortal remains of Asst Surgeon
W.G. Morris M.D. who departed this life at Delhi on the 13th day
of January 1858. This tablet is erected by the officers of the
Sirmoor Battalion, with which corps he served a period of seven
years including the memorable siege of Delhi in 1857."
Morris - Lieutenant-Colonel
William, C.B. - 17th Lancers - died 11th July 1858.
Son of
William Cholmeley Morris and Jane Mallet, born at Fishleigh,
Hatherleigh, Devon, 18th December 1820. Served
(with 16th Lancers) at Maharajpore (star),
Aliwal (wounded) and Sobroan (medal) and Crimea (17th Lancers,
medal). Husband of Amelia Taylor (daughter of Major-General
Taylor C.B. of Ogwell, Devon, late 10th Hussars (served Waterloo)
and Lieutenant-Governor of the Royal Military College.
Memorial at Poona church - "Sacred to the memory of William Morris of
Fishleigh, Devon, Brevet Lieut.-Colonel and Major Her Majesty's
17th Lancers Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath
Knight of the Legion of Honour And Companion of the Third Class
of the Imperial Order of the Medjidie, Deputy Assistant
Of Her Majesty's Forces, Bombay, Who departed this life 11th July
1858, at Poona. This tablet is erected by his Brother Officers as
a mark of esteem for his character as a friend and a
distinguished soldier. Maharajpore Sobraon Budiwal
Balaklava Aliwal Sebastopol."
Mortimer -
Lieutenant-Colonel William Picton - 11th Foot - died 22nd
December 1916.
Grave at St. Peter's Church, Leckhampton, Cheltenham, Glos - "Lieutt-Colonel
William Picton Mortimer, late of 11th Regt. who died 22 December
1916. Aged 83. Youngest son of the late Edward Horlock Mortimer,
of Bellefield House, Trowbridge, Wilts."
Morton -
Lieutenant-General Sir Gerald De Courcy - died 20th
April 1906.
Grave at The Military Cemetery, Curragh, Ireland - "In memory of
Lieutenant-General Sir Gerald De Courcy Morton KCIE CVO CB. Born
February 7th 1845. Died at the Curragh April 20th 1906 while
commanding the 7th Division. This memorial is erected by comrades
at home and abroad with whom he served in his long and
distinguished career of 45 years to mark their affectionate
rememberance of a noble character and a simple gentleman."
Morton - Colonel Henry - 40th
Bengal Native Infantry - died 14th September 1913.
Grave at Cheltenham Borough Cemetery, Gloucestershire - "In affectionate
remembrance of Henry Morton. late Colonel Bengal Staff Corps and
Commandant 40th Bengal Native Infantry. Died 14th September 1913
aged 78 years."
Morton -
Captain Samuel James - 6th Caribineers - died 22nd October
Grave at St. Mary's Churchyard, Clonmel, Co. Tipperary, Ireland -
to the memory of Samuel James Morton, late Captain 6th
Caribineers, who departed this life October 22nd 1860, aged 38."
Moseley -
Captain Robert John Dennys - 15th Ludhiana Sikhs - died 22nd
May 1897.
Grave at Cantonment Cemetery, Rangoon - "Sacred to the
memory of Captain Robert John Dennys Moseley 15th The Ludhiana
Sikh Regiment of Bengal Infantry and Adjutant of the Rangoon
Battalion, Burma Military Police, who died at Rangoon 22nd May
1897. 33 years old. This monument was erected by his brother
officers and the native officers and men of the Rangoon
Battalion, B.M.P."
Mouat - Colonel Sir James -
Bengal Engineers - died 9th May 1829.
Grave at Calcutta - "To the memory of Colonel Sir James Mouat,
Bart. Bengal Engineers, who departed this life at sea on Board
the H.C. Ship 'Prince Regent' the 9th May 1829, aged about 63
years. Sir James Mouat served as a soldier in India 46 years,
acted as Aide-de-Camp to Sir Robert Abercromby, in 1794, at the
battle of Rohillas, and in 1804 was elected Professor of
Hindostanee in the College of Fort William. This tablet has been
placed as a tribute of regard, esteem and affection, to lamented
parent, by Dr. Mouat, M.D. Surgeon H.M. 13th Dragoons."
Moubray -
Lieutenant Alexander Robert - 24th Foot - died 16th February
Born January 1825. Served Punjab (medal and 2 bars).
Grave at Saroke Cemetery, near Wazirabad - "To the memory of
Lieut A. Moubray H.M. 24th Regt. died 16th Feby 1850 aged 25
years 1 month."
-Colonel Armine Simcoe Henry, C.B. - died 8th February
Son of Rev. Jacob Mountain (Bishop of Quebec), descendent of a
Hugenot family. Born in Quebec, 4th February 1797. Served China
1842 (medal, C.B., wounded), 1846 A.D.C. to the Queen, Punjab
1848 (medal and 2 bars). Married Charlotte Dundas in 1845 (his
sesond marriage). Tablet in Christ Church, Simla - "In remembrance of
Colonel Armine Simcoe Henry Mountain C.B. Adjutant General of Her
Majesty's Forces in India who died in the Commander in Chief's
Camp at Futtyghur February 8th 1854, aged 57 years. He was
distinguished by literary ability, military talent, wisdom and
discretion, and admirable for devoted affection, gentleness and
humility, while his chief aim was to be a faithful servant to
Jesus Christ. How nobly he served his Queen and Country, how well
he loved his brother soldiers of all ranks, the British army can
attest. This tablet is placed here by her who is honoured by
having been his wife for nine years."
Mowat - Lieutenant George
Squire - 12th Madras Native Infantry - died 28th April 1827.
Grave at Vizianagram - "Sacred to the memory of Lieut. Geo. Squire
Mowat of the 12th Regiment N.I. who died on the 28th April 1827
aged 21 years. This monument is erected by his brother officers
as a mark of their esteem."
Mullaly - Lieutenant-Colonel
Alexander, D.S.O. - Indian Army - died 14th January 1912.
Grave at Peshawar - "Sacred to the honoured and beloved memory of
Alexander Mullaly. D.S.O. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel Indian Army
who entered into rest at Peshawar Sunday 14th January 1912. Aged
45 years."
Munro -
Captain George - 1/13th Native Infantry - died 7th May
Grave at Chitradurga Cemetery, Mysore - "Sacred to the
memory of Capt. Lieut. Geo. Munro, of the 1st Bt. 13th Regt. N.I.,
who departed this life the 7th May 1803, aged 21 years. This tomb
was erected by his brother officers as a sincere token of their
esteem for his many benign and social virtues."
Mure -
Captain George - 53rd Foot - died 23rd January 1797.
Grave at Banff Cemetery, Scotland - "Captain George Mure of the 53rd
Regiment of Foot died at Banff the 23rd day of January, 1797,
aged 46 years."
Murray - Lieutenant Archibald Ross - Bengal Staff Corps - died
18th July 1879.
Son of General Sir John Irvine Murray, K.C.B. (Bengal Staff Corps).
Born at Gwalior, 5th March 1855. Served in Afghanistan 1878.
Tablet in Christ Church, Rawalpindi - "To the memory of
Lieut. A.R. Murray B.S.C. who after distinguishing himself in the
Afghan war of 1878-79 survived only to die of cholera at Trete on
the 18th July 1879 aged 24 years. This stone is erected in
affectionate remembrance of him by his brother officers of H.M's
9th and 13th Bengal Lancers in both of which regiments he had
Murray - Major George - 8th
Bengal Light Cavalry - died 12th September 1856.
Son of John Murray. Born in Scotland, 1808. Served Punjab 1848 (medal
and 2 bars). Married Harriette Goodenough, 1834.
Grave at Lahore - "Beneath
rest the remains of Major George
Murray who died on the 12th September 1856 aged 48 also of his
wife Harriett Murray who died on the 6th September 1856 aged 50
years. This monument has been erected as a tribute of esteem
& respect by his brother officers of the late 8th Bengal
Light Cavalry."
Murray -
Brigadier George Home, C.B. - 16th Lancers - died 15th
December 1833.
Grave at Cawnpore - "This monument is erected by the officers of
H.M. 16th Lancers as a token of respect and regard to the memory
of Brigadier George Home Murray, C.B. Lieut-Col. of H.M. 16th
Lancers, in which corps he served with utmost gallantry and
distinction for a period of nearly _ years. Died in command of
the Cawnpore station, the 15th Dec. 1833, aged 59 years."
Murray -
Lieutenant Horace - 30th Madras Native Infantry - died 6th
May 1852.
Grave at Vizagapatam - "Sacred to the memory of Lieut. Horace Murray
of the 30th Regt. N.I. who departed this life at Waltair on the 6th
day of May 1852 aged 27 years."
Murray -
Captain William - 2nd Bengal
Infantry - died
28th June 1831.
Son of Sir William Murray, of Perth. Served Nepal 1815.
Grave at Subathu - "Sacred
to the memory of Captain William
Murray 2nd Native Infantry Political Agent at Umballa. He was 3rd
son of Sir Wm Murray, Baronet, of Ochtertyre in Scotland. Highly
distinguished in the Goorkha War. By his talents and conduct he
gained and to the last retain'd the confidence of Government. A
brave soldier, a warm friend, a good man. He died universally
regretted at the age of 40. 28th June 1831."
- Captain James - 1st Gurkha Rifles - died 4th April
Served in Tochi 1897 (medal and bar).
Grave at Dharmsala -
"Sacred to the
memory of Captain James
Muscroft 1st Gurkha Rifles Born 26th Novr 1870 killed by the
earthquake at Dharmsala 4th April 1905 aged 34 years. Erected by
his brother officers to a brave soldier and a gallant gentleman."
Musgrave - Colonel Walter - 5th
Bengal Cavalry - died 21st September 1883.
Born in Exeter, Devon, 8th January 1830. Served Kaffir War 1851
Mutiny 1857 (medal and bar), Afghanistan 1878 (medal).
Grave at Simla - "IHS.
In loving memory of Walter Musgrave
Colonel 5th B.C. who died at Simla Sept. 21st 1883."
Myers -
Lieutenant William James Kempt - 2nd Bn. Rifle Brigade - died
7th June 1860.
Served Mutiny 1857 (medal).
Grave at Simla - "I.H.S.
In memory of William J.K. Myers Lieut
2nd Battn Rifle Brigade killed by a fall in the Snowy Range June
7th 1860 aged 20 years 11 months. 'I believe'. Erected by his
brother officers."
Mylne - Major
Charles David - Bombay Army - died 25th September 1860.
Grave at St Peter's Church, Leckhampton, Cheltenham, Glos. - "In memory of Major Charles David Mylne of H.M.
Bombay Army who died at Cheltenham Septr 25th 1860."
Mylne -
Captain James - 11th Light Dragoons - died 6th October 1836.
Grave at Meerut - "Sacred
to the memory of Capt James Mylne H.M.'s
11th Lt Dragoons who died at Landour on the 6th Ocotber 1836."