Yaldwyn - Lieutenant Reginald Henry - 46th Madras Native Infantry - died 23rd June 1859.
Grave at Vizianagram -
"Erected by his brother officers to the memory of Reginald Henry Yaldwyn Lieutenant Forty-Sixth Regiment of Madras Native Infantry who died at Vizianagrum on the 23rd June 1859 aged 19."

Yarde - Major H.T. - 28th Madras Native Infantry - died 31st January 1847.
Grave at Harihar Old Cantonment, Mysore -
"Sacred to the memory of Major H.T. Yarde, 28th Regt. M.N.I., who departed this life on the 31st January 1847.  Deeply regretted by his brother officers by whom this tomb is erected as a token of their esteem and respect."

Yates - Brigadier-General Walter Alexander, C.B. - Bengal Army - died 25th June 1853.
Born in London, son of Thomas and Margaret Yates. Served Nepal (medal and bar) and Gwalior (star), CB 1844.
Grave at Cawnpore -
"Sacred to the memory of Brigadier General Walter Alexander Yates C.B. who died 5th June 1853 aged 66 years."

Yeatman-Biggs - Major-General Arthur Godolphin, C.B. - Royal Artillery - died 4th January 1898.
Son of Harry Farr Yeatman and Emma Biggs. Born 22nd March 1843. Served South Africa 1879 (medal and bar), Egypt 1882 (medal, Khedives star, and Order of Osmanieh 4th class), Tirah 1897.
Grave at Taikal Cemetery, Peshawar -
"Arthur Godolphin Yeatman-Biggs C.B. of Stockton House, Wilts. Major-General Commanding the 2nd Division of the Tirah Expeditionary Force. Died of exhaustion when his duty was ended 4 Jan. 1898. aged 54."

Yeo - Captain Sir James Lucas, K.C.B. - Royal Navy - died 21st August 1818.
Memorial in Royal Garrison Church, Portsmouth -
"Near this spot repose the mortal remains of Sir James Lucas Yeo Captain in the Royal Navy, Knight Commander of the Bath, Knight Commander of St. Bento of Avis, who died on the 21st September 1818 in the 37th year of his age. It was the enviable fortune of this able officer living in the times of high enterprise to meet with opportunities of distinction of which he nobly availed himself adding essentially to the national renown and by his professional prowess winning for himself an imperishable name in the annals of his country. This tablet is erected to his memory by his brother officers and personal friends."

Yonge - Lieutenant-Colonel William James - 1st Bn. 60th Rifles - died 28th August 1877.
Served Punjab 1848 (medal and 2 bars). Married Martha Deacon at Bombay, 1st November 1847.
Grave at Jullundur -
"Sacred to the memory of Lieut Colonel William James Yonge late 1st Battn 60th Rifles and for many years a resident at this station. Born at Caynton, Shropshire. Died at Jullundur 28th August 1877. This tomb is erected by his sorrowing widow. Also in memory of Martha Ann Yonge widow of the late Colonel William James Yonge. Died 27th December 1887."

Young - Lieutenant-Colonel George Dobson, C.B. - 10th Foot - died 20th February 1850.
Served Afghanistan 1842 (medal), Sutlej 1845 (medal, wounded), Punjab 1848 (medal and 2 bars, CB).
Grave at Ali Cemetery, near Wazirabad -
"In memory of Lt Col George Dobson Young, C.B. 10th foot, who died here 20th Feby 1850 aged 48 yrs. he served at Cabul & on the Sutlej with H.M. 31st, and at Moultan and Goojerat with the 10th foot. erected by his brother officers."

Young - Lieutenant Helenus Edward - 8th Bengal Light Cavalry - died 12th January 1851.
Son of Sir William and Lucy Young, of Co. Cavan. Born June 1822. Served Punjab 1848 (medal and 2 bars). Married Frances Skinner, 4th December 1844.
Grave at Ferozepore -
"Sacred to the memory of Lieut. H.E. Young (of the 8th Regt L. Cavalry) who died at Ferozepore on the 12th Jan 1851. This monument is erected by his brother officers."

Young - Captain James - 4th Bengal Native Infantry - died 11th August 1857
Memorial at All Souls Church, Cawnpore -
"Captain James Young 4th Bengal N.I. born at Edinburgh 27th Nov 1822
died at Cawnpore 11th Aug 1857 of Cholera while serving under General Neill in the supression of the Great Mutiny."

Young - Colonel Keith, C.B. - Judge Advocate General - died 18th May 1862.
Entered Bengal Army, 1823. Served Mutiny 1857 (medal and 2 bars, CB). Married Francis Henderson at Simla, 2nd September 1852.
Grave at Simla -
"In memory of Colonel Keith Young, C.B. Judge Advocate General of the army who died at Simla on the 18th May 1862."

Younghusband - Lieutenant George Dukinfield Astley - 1st Goorkha Light Infantry - died 26th July 1861.
Son of Major-General Astley G.F.J. Younghusband (Bengal Infantry). Served Mutiny 1857 (medal).
Grave at Dharmsala -
"Sacred to the memory of Lieut. G.D.A. Younghusband of the 1st Goorkha L.I. reg. who died at Dharmsala on 26th July 1861 aetat 25. This stone is erected by his brother officers."
