Captain Henry NEVILLE - 14th Light Dragoons - died of fever at Santa Cruz, Spain, 30 July 1809.
Lieutenant Thomas NEVIN - 74th Foot - died in the Peninsula, 16 September 1812.
Senior-Surgeon Thomas F. NEWLAY - Medical Department - died on passage to England, of fever contracted in Cadiz, 14 April 1811.
Captain Bromley NIXON - 37th Foot - died in France, 1814.
Ensign Henry NUNN - 24th Foot - died in the Peninsula, 16 September 1812.
Assistant-Surgeon OAKLEY - 2nd Foot - died in the Peninsula, 26 December 1812.
Lieutenant Morgan O'BRIAN - 7th Foot - died at Lisbon, 28 September 1811.
Lieutenant O'GRADY - 11th Light Dragoons - died of fever in Portugal, 11 October 1811.
Lieutenant Joseph PALMER - 27th Foot (serving in 21st Portuguese Regiment) - died November 1813.
Major Robert W. PATRICK - serving as Lieut-Colonel, 12th Portuguese Regiment - died at Lamego, 10 May 1810.
Lieutenant K. PENEFEATHER - 68th Foot - died of disease at Bilboa, 8 January 1814.
Captain Francis J. PERCY - 23rd Foot - died at Cuellar, Spain, 23 August 1812.
Captain William PHELAN - 47th Foot - died in the Peninsula, 18 March 1813.
Captain M. PRATT - 95th Foot - died in Portugal, 11 September 1811.
Veterinary-Surgeon PRICE - Royal Artillery - died at Cadiz, 5 November 1812.
Lieutenant Thomas S. RACSTER - 36th Foot (attached 17th Portuguese Regiment) - died 15 November 1813.
Surgeon John REED - 36th Foot - died in Portugal, 28 February 1813.
Surgeon William REYNOLDS - 45th Foot - died at Momento de Beira, 3 February 1813.
Ensign RICHARDSON - 94th Foot - died in Portugal, 3 March 1811.
Ensign George ROBERTS - 28th Foot - died in Spain, 25 December 1813.
Adjutant William ROBERTSON - 95th Foot - died in the Peninsula, 28 January 1813.
Major Hamilton ROSE - 42nd Foot - died at Lisbon, 5 September 1811.
Major-General Andrew ROSS - 70th Foot - died at Carthagena, 26 September 1812.
Lieutenant-Colonel David ROSS - 57th Foot - died at Elvas, 24 December 1809.
Lieutenant Thomas C. ROSS - 2nd Foot (attached 11th Cacadores) - died 26 May 1812.
Assistant-Surgeon ROZEA - 16th Light Dragoons - died in Portugal, 24 October 1811.
Lieutenant George RUMLEY - 30th Foot - died in Portugal, 23 April 1811.
Captain Andrew H. RUSSELL - 28th Foot - died in Portugal, 28 August 1811.
Captain Thomas SALMON - 7th Foot - died in Portugal, 31 January 1811.
Ensign I.N. SCATCHERD - 9th Foot - died in Portugal, 18 October 1811.
Lieutenant William SCOTT - 95th Foot - died at Campo Maior, 4 December 1809.
Ensign Frederick SEACROFT - 27th Foot - died of fever at Celorico, 30 December 1812.
Captain Francis SHANLEY - 51st Foot - died at Lisbon, 23 March 1811.
Captain SHERSTON - Royal Veteran Battalion - died in Spain, 29 June 1813.
Ensign Philip SIDNEY - 43rd Foot - died at Coimbra, 11 December 1811.
Ensign Crawford SLOANE - 58th Foot - died in Portugal, 24 June 1811.
Ensign George SMAIL - 34th Foot - 'assassinated' at Lisbon, January 1810.
Lieutenant William SMALL - 83rd Foot - died in the Peninsula, 5 October 1812.
Lieutenant Joshua SMITH - 88th Foot - died at Salamanca, 5 October 1812.
Lieutenant J. SMYTH - Royal Waggon Train - died in the Peninsula, 18 February 18 February 1813.
Captain Mossom SODEN - 68th Foot - died of disease at Elvas, 24 April 1812.
Major Frederick SPARKS - 51st Foot - died at Castello Branco, 13 November 1811.
Lieutenant-Colonel John SQUIRE - Royal Engineers - died at Truxillo, Spain, of fever contracted at siege of Badajoz, 19 May 1812.
Lieutenant-Colonel Charles STEWART - 50th Foot - died of disease at Coria, Spain, 11 December 1812.
Major-General Richard STEWART - died after falling from a balcony in Lisbon, October 1810.
Lieutenant Lewis St. MARTIN - 1st Foot (attached 9th Portuguese Line) - died at Coimbra, Portugal, 7 October 1811.
Major Henry G. STRUTT - 3rd Dragoon Guards - died of fever in Spain, 3 October 1809.
Ensign Sir Thomas STYLES - 1st Foot Guards - died in the Peninsula, 8 November 1813.
Lieutenant-Colonel Michael SYMES - 76th Foot - died on passage back to England, 22 January 1809.
Lieutenant John TAYLOR - 24th Foot - died in the Peninsula, 1 November 1812.
Lieutenant Thomas THURNLEY - 30th Foot - died in Portugal, 23 April 1811.
Captain Thomas E. TIDDEMAN - 38th Foot - died in France.
Captain St. John TRAVERS - 9th Foot (attached 19th Portuguese Regiment) - died 3 October 1811.
Lieutenant Patrick TULLY - 82nd Foot - died at Salamanca, 6 August 1812.
Lieutenant Hugh VALLANCE - 42nd Foot - died at St. Jean de Luz, 1 March 1814.
Major Richard VANDELEUR - 88th Foot - died of illness at Campo Maior, Portugal, 17 October 1809.
Lieutenant James VAUGHAN - 76th Foot - died at Portsmouth on returning from Spain, 5 January 1809.
Captain John VENABLES - 83rd Foot - died in France, 24 March 1814.
Lieutenant-Colonel William WADE - 6th Foot - died in the Peninsula, 26 February 1813.
Captain Edward WAKEFIELD - 76th Foot - died in the Peninsula, 23 January 1814
Captain Samuel WATSON - Royal Waggon Train - died 16 October 1812.
Lieutenant Francis WHALLEY - 12th Light Dragoons - died in the Peninsula, 26 May 1812.
Major-General William WHEATLEY - 1st Foot Guards - died of typhus fever at the Palace of Escurial, near Madrid, 1 September 1812.
Captain John WHITE - 27th Foot (attached 6th Cacadores) - died at Torres Vedras, 10-18 March 1811.
Lieutenant John WHITFORD - 48th Foot - died at Portugal, 28 September 1811.
Lieutenant Thomas WILLIAMS - 1st Foot - died at Lisbon, 22 September 1811.
Lieutenant Henry WILLIS - 13th Light Dragoons - died 30 October 1813.
Assistant-Surgeon WILSON - 1st Foot - died at Coimbra, Portugal, 25 June 1811.
Lieutenant-Colonel George WILSON - 39th Foot - died of fever at Moralejo, 5 January 1813.
Ensign Richard WILSON - 51st Foot - died at Salamanca, 28 October 1812.
Captain Robert F. WINGATE - 74th Foot - died 20 October 1812.
Ensign J. WINGFIELD - Coldstream Guards - died at Coimbra, Portugal, 4 or 14 May 1811.
Captain John WOOD - 4th Foot - died of fever in Portugal, 10 January 1811.
Staff Surgeon WRIGHT - Medical Department - died at Cadiz, 19 October 1812.
Lieutenant Wynn WATKIN - 23rd Foot - died of illness at Estremoz, 1 August 1811.