I would like to
thank John Young, author of 'They Fell Like Stones', for
permission to use the pictures from his collection.
Commissary Thomas ALDERTON - Commissariat & Transport Dept.
Drowned crossing a river near Bethlehem, Orange Free State, 5th
April 1879. Aged 45.
Edgar Oliphant ANSTEY - 1/24th (2nd Warwickshire Regt.)
Killed at Isandlwana, 22nd January 1879. Aged 27. Son of G.
Anstey, of London. Born in Highercombe, South Australia. His body
was brought back to England and buried in Woking Cemetery.
Charles John ATKINSON - 1/24th (2nd Warwickshire Regt.)
Killed at Isandlwana, 22nd Jan. 1879. Aged 23. Son of Adam
Atkinson and Charlotte Collett.
Lieutenant S. AVERY - Natal Native Contingent - Killed at Isandlwana, 22nd January 1879
Captain A. T.
BARRY - 2nd Natal Native Contingent - Killed at Isandlwana,
22nd January 1879
Captain Robert
Johnston BARTON - 2nd Coldstream Guards
Killed at Hlobane, 28th March 1879. Aged 30. Born in Dublin.
Memorial in the Royal Military Chapel, Wellington Barracks - "Robert Johnston
Barton. Lieutenant and Captain Coldstream Guards, born February
20, 1849, youngest son of the late Thomas Johnston Barton,
Glendalough, Co. Wicklow. Killed March 28, 1879, in the attempt
to save the life of a wounded brother officer, near the Zloblani
Mountain, in Zululand, while employed on Special Service."
Lieutenant N.D. BLACK - 1st Bn. 1st Regt. Natal Native Contingent - Killed at Isandlwana, 22nd January 1879
Captain W. J.
BLAKEWAY - Transkei Fingo Militia - Killed in action
Quartermaster Edward BLOOMFIELD - 2/24th (2nd Warwickshire Regt.)
Killed at Isandlwana, 22nd Jan. 1879. Aged 43. Enlisted in
the Scots Fusilier Guards, aged 11.
Captain C. BOYES - Hottentot Militia and Levy - Killed in action
Captain W. F. BRADSHAW - Streatfield's Fingo Levies - Killed in action
BRADSTREET - Newcastle Mounted Rifles - Killed at Isandlwana,
22nd January 1879
Lieutenant Arthur Tyndall BRIGHT - 90th (Perthshire Light
Died of wounds at Kambula, 29th March 1879. Aged 21. Son
of Tyndall Bright, of Liverpool.
Memorial at Holy Trinity Church, Abbots Leigh - "Arthur Tyndall Bright,
Lieutenant 90th Light Infantry. Born August 14th 1857. Killed in action
at Kambala Camp, South Africa while gallantly leading his company March
29th 1879 aged 21 years and 7 months."
Lieut. W.
BRUCE - Diamond Fields Horse - Killed in action at Gobatse
Heights, 14th October 1878.
Imperial Highness Eugene Louis Jean Joseph Napoleon BONAPARTE,
Prince Imperial.
Killed near Ityotyozi River, Zululand, 1st June 1879. Son of
Emperor Napoleon III of France. Aged 22. Attached to the Staff.
Memorial at Prince Imperial Way, Chiselhurst, London - "Napoleon Eugene Louis Jean
Joseph Prince Imperial killed in Zululand 1st June 1879. I shall die
with a sentiment of profound gratitude for Her Majesty the Queen of
England for all the royal family and for the country where I received
during 8 years such a cordial hospitality (last testament of Prince).
In memory of the Prince Imperial and sorrow at his death, this cross is
erected by the dwellers of Chiselhurst."
Ronald George Elidor CAMPBELL - 2nd Coldstream Guards
Killed at Hlobane, 28th March 1879. Aged 30. Son of the Earl of
Cawdor and Sarah Cavendish. Husband of Katherine Claughton.
Buried on Zlobani Mountain, where he fell.
Memorial in the Royal Military Chapel, Wellington Barracks - "Captain the Honble.
Ronald George Elidor Campbell, Second son of John Frederick
Vaughan, second Earl of Cawdor. Born December 30th 1848.
Coldstream Guards 1867, Adjutant 1st Battalion 1872-79. He served
in the Zulu War as Staff Officer to Colonel Sir Evelyn Wood, VC,
KCB, and fell on the Zlobani Mountain, March 28th 1879, in the
performance of a most gallant act. He was buried where he fell by
his comrades, under the fire of the enemy."
Charles Walter CAVAYE - 1/24th (2nd Warwickshire Regt.)
Killed at Isandlwana, 22nd January 1879. Aged 29. Son
of General Cavaye and Isabella Hutchinson. Born in Rajkote, India.
(Thanks to John Young for pointing out that the pictures of
Cavaye and Porteous were incorrectly labelled. They have now been
placed in their correct positions.)
Quartermaster A. CHAMBERS - 2nd Natal Native Contingent - Killed at Isandlwana 22nd January 1879
John CLARKE - Royal Engineers (7th Field Co.) - Died of
disease 1879.
Listed on the Royal Engineers Memorial, Rochester.
Nevill Josiah Aylmer COGHILL, V.C. - 1/24th (2nd Warwickshire
Killed at Isandlwana 22nd January 1879. Aged 26. (Posthumous
VC). Son of Sir John Coghill, of Drumcondra, county Dublin.
Buried with Lieut. Melvill - "In memory of Lt. and Adj.
Teignmouth Melvill and Lt. Nevill J. A. Coghill, 1st Batt. 24th
Regt., who died on this spot 22nd Jany. 1879, to save the Queen's
Colour of their Regiment."
Lewis Cadwallader COKER - Royal Navy
Died at Etshowe, 16th March 1879. Aged 18. Son of Rev.
Cadwallader and Emily Coker.
James Patrick DALY- 1/24th (2nd Warwickshire Regt.)
Killed at Isandlwana 22nd Jan. 1879. Aged 23.
Lieutenant William
Irvine D'ARCY - 99th (Lanarkshire) Regt.
Died at Durban, 23rd September 1879. Aged 20. Son of
Captain William D'Arcy (67th Regt.) and Louisa Cockburn. Born in
Lieutenant Arthur
Stewart Fielding DAVISON - 99th (Lanarkshire) Regt.
Died at Etshowe, 27th March 1879. Aged 23. Son of Captain Davison
and Louisa Chambers.
William DEGACHER - 1/24th (2nd Warwickshire Regt.)
Killed at Isandlwana, 22nd January 1879. Aged 37. Son of
Walter Degacher, of St. Omer, France. Husband of Caroline Smith.
(daughter of General Webber Smith, CB).
Captain J.
DONOVAN - Diamond Fields Horse - Killed in action
Lieutenant James Henry Scott DOUGLAS - Royal Scots Fusiliers
killed in action at Kwamagwasa, Zululand, 30th June 1879. Aged 26.
Son of Sir George Douglas, MP, and Dona Sanchez de Pina. Born in
Brevet Colonel Anthony
William DURNFORD - Royal Engineers
Killed at Isandlwana, 22nd January 1879. Aged 48. Son of General
E. Durnford (Royal Engineers).
Adjutant W. W. DYASON - Northern Border Police - Killed in
Henry Julian DYER - 2/24th (2nd Warwickshire Regt.)
Killed at Isandlwana 22nd Jan. 1879. Aged 24. Son of Henry
Dyer and Emma Glass. Born in Surrey.
Lieutenant Edward Hopton DYSON - 1/24th (2nd Warwickshire Regt.)
Killed at Isandlwana, 22nd Jan. 1879. Aged 20. Son of
Major Edwards Dyson and Caroline Jerdan, of London.
Captain E.
ERSKINE - 2nd Natal Native Contingent - Killed at Isandlwana,
22nd January 1879
Lieutenant George Rowley John EVELYN - 2/3rd East Kent Regt.
Died at Etshowe, 30th March 1879. Aged 21. Son of Colonel George
Evelyn and Esther Phillips. Born in London.
Memorial at St. Johns Church, Wotton, Surrey - "In memory of George Rowly
John Evelyn, 2nd Lieut in the 3rd Regiment 'The Buffs' formerly Lieut
in the 31st Regiment of the Royal Surrey Militia. Eldest son of Colonel
George Palmer Evelyn, and Esther Emiline, his wife and grandson of
George Evelyn of Wotton. Born in the parish of St. George's Hanover
Square in the county of Middlesex 12th August 1857 baptised in St.
Peters Church Pimlico 6th October of the same year. Died unmarried at
Fort Ekowe South Africa 30th March 1879 aged 21 years. He fell a victim
to the fatigue and privations of war. This tablet is placed by his
sorrowing parents, sister and brothers."
Henry Lowther FARMER - 3/60th King's Royal Rifle Corps
Died at Fort Pearson, 20th Sept. 1879. Aged 28. Son of
William Farmer and Matilda Wilkinson. Born in Cheam, Surrey.
Lieutenant Reginald William FRANKLIN - 2/24th (2nd Warwickshire
Died, 20th February 1879. Aged 19. Son of Major-General C.
Franklin, CB. (Royal Artillery). Educated at Cheltenham College.
Frederick John Cokayne FRITH - 17th Lancers
Killed at Ezunganyan Hill, 5th June 1879. Aged 20. Son of
Major Cokayne Fith and Amelia Kane. Born in Oban, Argyllshire. He
was shot through the heart.
Lieutenant P. GAV - Wodehouse True Blues. - Killed in action at Morosi's Stronghold, 8th April 1879
Lieutenant A.
GIBSON - 2nd Natal Native Contingent - Killed at Isandlwana
22nd January 1879
Frederick GODWIN-AUSTEN - 2/24th (2nd Warwickshire Regt.)
Killed Isandlwana 22 Jan. 1879. Aged 25. Son of Robert
and Elizabeth. Born in Surrey.
Captain Hugh
Rudolph GOUGH - Coldstream Guards (att. 5th Natal Native
Died at Herwen, 19th April 1879. Aged 22. Son of Viscount Gough,
of Galway.
Thomas Llewelyn George GRIFFITH - 2/24th (2nd Warwickshire Regt.)
Killed Isandlwana, 22nd Jan. 1879. Aged 21. Son of Rev. Thomas
Griffith and Mary Whitmore, of North Wales.
Lieutenant F.
HALCRAFT - Natal Native Contingent - Killed at Isandlwana, 22nd
January 1879
of Orderlies Arthur William HALL - Army Hospital Corps
killed at Isandlwana, 22nd January 1879. Aged 37. Son of
Joshua Hall, of Norwich.
Captain Thomas Rice HAMILTON - Raaf's Transvaal Rangers - Killed in action at Hlobane, 28th March 1879
Lieutenant Henry
John HARDY - Rifle Brigade
Died at Landman's Drift, Natal, 4th October 1879. Aged 28.
Son of Sir John Hardy and Laura Holbech. Born in Warwickshire.
George E. HITCHCOCK - Newcastle Mounted Rifles - Killed at
Isandlwana 22nd January 1879
George Frederick John HODSON - 1/24th (2nd Warwickshire Regt.)
Killed at Isandlwana, 22nd Jan. 1879. Aged 24. Son of Sir
George Hodson, of Bray, county Wicklow. Born in Dublin.
Lieutenant C.
JAMESON - 1st Bn. 3rd Regt. Natal Native Contingent - Killed
at Isandlwana, 22nd January 1879
George Charles Jefferyes JOHNSON - 99th (Lanarkshire) Regt.
Killed at Ginghilovo, 2nd April 1879. Aged 28. Son of William
Johnson, of Cork. Educated at Cheltenham College.
Captain R.
KROHN - Natal Native Contingent - Killed at Isandlwana, 22nd
January 1879
Walter Glyn LAWRELL - 4th Hussars
Killed at Sekukini's Stronghold 28th November 1879. (attached
1st Dragoon Guards). Aged 35. Son of Rev. John Lawrell, of
Hampshire. Husband of Mary Hamilton.
Lieutenant - Natal Native Contingent LISTER - Killed at Isandlwana 22nd January 1879
Quartermaster William LONDON - Natal Carbineers - Killed in action at Isandlwana, 22nd January 1879
Captain James
Faunce LONSDALE - 1st Bn. 3rd Regt. Natal Native Contingent
Killed at Isandlwana, 22nd January 1879
Commandant J.E.
MACAULAY - Transvaal Mounted Rifles
Killed in action at Sekukuni's Kraal, 28th November 1879
Lieutenant J.
MANLEY - Kaffarian Volunteers - Died of wounds
Charles Eveleyn MASON - 2/3rd East Kent Regt.
Died at Herwen, 7th April 1879. Aged 24. Son of G. Mason and
Marianne Mitford. Born in Langharne, Carmarthenshire.
J. McCORMICK - Natal Native Contingent - Killed at
Isandlwana, 22nd January 1879
Lieutenant Francis Hartwell MacDOWEL - Royal Engineers
Killed at Isandlwana, 22nd January 1879. Son of Professor
MacDowel, MD, of University of Dublin.
Elliott Henry McNAGHTON - Frontier Light Horse - Killed in action
at Perie
Bush, 8th May 1878.
Believed to be ex-20th Hussars.
Teignmouth MELVILL , Victoria Cross - 1/24th (2nd Warwickshire
Killed at Isandlwana, 22nd January 1879. Aged
36. Son of Philip Melville and Eliza Sandys.
Born in London. He was
buried with Lieut. Coghill
"In memory of Lt.
and Adj.
Teignmouth Melvill and Lt. Nevill J. A. Coghill, 1st Batt. 24th
Regt., who died on this spot 22nd Jany. 1879, to save the Queen's
Colour of their Regiment."
Memorial at Harrow
School Chapel - "Erected
by brother officers & other friends in memory of Teignmouth
Melvill, old Harrovian and Lieut. in HM 24 Regt who with Lieut. Coghill
fell at Isandhlwana in SA while saving the colours of the regt and was
honoured after his death by his sovereign with the VC. Born 8 Sep 1842
died Jan 22 1879."
David Barry MORIARTY - 80th (Staffordshire) Regt.
Killed at Myer's Drift, Ntombe River, 11th March 1879. Aged 42.
Son of James Moriarty and Mary, of Kilmallock, county Limerick.
Captain William
Eccles MOSTYN - 1/24th (2nd Warwickshire Regt.)
Killed at Isandlwana, 22nd Jan. 1879. Aged 36. Son of Rev.
George Mostyn and Charlotte Eccles. Born in Glasgow.
Orlando E. MURRAY - 2nd Bn. 3rd Regt. Natal Native Contingent
Killed at Isandlwana, 22nd January 1879
Lieutenant O.E.E.
MURRAY - Fort White Mounted Volunteers - Killed in action
Lieutenant Arthur Clynton Baskerville MYNORS - 3/60th King's
Royal Rifle Corps
Died at Fort Pearson, 25th April 1879. Aged 22. Son of Robert
Mynors and Ellen Higgins, of Kington, Herefordshire.
Frederick NICOLSON - 11th Battery, 7th Brigade, Royal Artillery
Died of wounds at Kambala, 30th March 1879. Aged 30. Son of
Admiral Sir Frederick Nicolson, CB and Clementia Esquire.
Memorial at St. Pauls Church, Westminster, London - "In
memory of Clementia, wife of Sir Fredk Nicolson Bart, who died July 17
1851 and of Fredk their son who fell in action at Kambula March 29 1879
aged 30 years."
Francis Vernon NORTHEY - 3/60th King's Royal Rifle Corps
Wounded at Ginghilovo (2nd April), died 6th April 1879. Aged 42.
Son of Edward Northey & Charlotte Anson. Husband of Charlotte
Gzowski (of Toronto, Canada). Memorial at St. Martins Church, Epsom,
Surrey - "In
memory of Francis Vernon Northey, Lieut.Col. 3rd Batt. 60th Rifles. He
was mortally wounded in action on the 2nd April 1879 at the Battle of
Ginginhlova in Zululand and died on the 6th April aged 42. His body was
brought to England and buried in the Epsom Cemetery. This tablet was
erected by his sisters."
PALLISER - Diamond Fields Horse - Killed in action at Gobatse
Heights, 14th October 1878
George Astell PARDOE - 1st Somersetshire Light Infantry
Wounded at Ulundi, died in camp on the Umlatoosi River, 14th July
1879. Aged 23. Son of Edward Pardoe and Harriet Astell.
Memorial at St. Marks Church, Highcliff, Dorset - "In
memory of George Astell Pardoe, Lieutenant in the 13th Light Infantry
buried at Fort Marshall, Zululand, S. Africa. Second son of Edward
Pardoe Esq of Amberwood, Hampshire. He died 14th July 1879 of wounds
received at the Battle of Ulundi on the 4th of the same month aged 23.
This window is erected by his mother."
PATTERSON - Barkley Rangers - Killed in action
Commissary Stephen Thomas PHILLMORE - Ordnance Store Department
Died at Utrecht, 7th April 1879. Aged 25. Son of Rev. George
Memorial at St. Marys Church, Radnage, Buckinghamshire - "In memory of Stephen T.
Phillmore, Deputy HM Ordnance Department, son of Rev. George Phillmore,
rector of this parish. Born 15th August 1853 died of fever at Utrecht
Transvaal South Africa on the 7th April 1879 while serving his country
with 'Woods Flying Column' operating against the Zulus. This tabler is
erected by his brother officers serving in South Africa during the Zulu
Campaign of 1879 in token of their regard for him and the esteem in
which they held his many sterling qualities."
Lieutenant G. PLATTNER - 2nd Bn. 2nd Regt. Natal Native Contingent. Killed in action at Inyetzane, 22nd January 1879
Lieutenant J.
POOL - Weatherley's Border Horse. Killed at Hlobane, 28th
March 1879
Charles d'Aguilar POPE - 2/24th (2nd Warwickshire Regt.)
Killed at Isandlwana 22nd Jan. 1879. Aged 29. Son of Rev. J.
Pope (HEICS).
Francis Pender PORTEOUS - 1/24th (2nd Warwickshire Regt.)
Killed at Isandlwana, 22nd Jan uary 1879. Aged 31. Son of James
Porteous and Emily Kemble, of Jamaica.
Lieutenant R.A.
PRITCHARD - 2nd Natal Native Contingent. Killed at Isandlwana
22nd January 1879
James PULLEN - 1/24th (2nd Warwickshire Regt.) Killed at
Isandlwana, 22nd Jan. 1879.
Lieutenant-Colonel Henry Burmester PULLEINE - 1/24th (2nd
Warwickshire Regt.)
Killed at Isandlwana, 22nd Jan. 1879. Aged 40. Son of Rev.
Robert Pulleine and Susan Burmester. Born in Yorkshire. Husband
of Frances Bell, of Fermoy. Memorial at St. Johns Church, Kirby Wiske, Yorkshire -
to the memory of Lt Col Burmester Pulleine HM 24th Warwickshire
Born 12 December 1838 who fell with the greater part of his regiment at
Isandhlwana South Africa January 22nd 1879."
Lieutenant John
Lawrence RAINES - 2nd Bn. 2nd Regt, Natal Native Contingent.
Killed in action at Inyetzane, 22nd January 1879.
Memorial at St. Peters Church, Burton Pidsea, Humberside - "John Lawrence Raines, eldest
son of Rev. C.A. Raines MA, vicar of St Peters Newcastle on Tyne. An
officer killed in Zululand."
Lieutenant H.A. REED - 3rd Cape Mounted Yeomanry. Killed in action at Moirosi's Stronghold, 8th April 1879
Lieutenant H.O. RIVERS - 2nd Natal Native Contingent. Killed at Isandlwana, 22nd January 1879
Captain Francis
Broadfoot RUSSELL - 11th Battery, 7th Brigade, Royal Artillery.
Killed at Isandlwana, 22nd January 1879. Aged 36. Son of
Lieut-Colonel F. Russell (Madras Infantry). Born in India.
Lieutenant A.
H. SALTMARSHE - 90th Foot. Killed in action at Intaba
Ka'Udoda, 30th April 1878
George SANDHAM - 90th (Perthshire Light Infantry)
Died at Kambula, Zululand, 31st March 1879. Aged 31. Son of
Lieutenant-General Sandham (Royal Artillery) and Mary Gear.
Lieut. F. J.
Durrant SCOTT - Natal Carbineers
Killed at Isandlwana, 22nd January 1879
James H. SCOTT-DOUGLAS - 2/21st Royal Scots Fusiliers.
Killed in action at Kwa Magwaza, 4th July 1879
Surgeon Major
Peter SHEPHERD - Army Medical Dept.
Killed at Isandlwana, 22nd January 1879. Aged 37. Son of Peter
Shepherd, of Craigmill, Aberdeenshire.
Major Stuart
SMITH - 'N' Battery, 5th Brigade, Royal Artillery
Killed at Isandlwana, 22nd January 1879. Aged 34. Son of Rev.
Stuart Smith and Henrietta Graham. Born in Ballintemple, county
Marmaduke STOURTON - 63rd (West Suffolk) Regt.
Died at Pietermaritzburg, 18th April 1879. Aged 39. Son of
William Stourton and Catherine Scully, of Yorkshire. Husband of
Marie Franks.
Inspector J.
SURMON - Cape Mounted Rifles. Killed in action at Moirosi's
Stronghold, 8th April 1879
Lieutenant John
THIRKILL - 88th (Connaught Rangers) Regt.
Died at
Herwen, 22nd April 1879. Aged 27. Son of Rev. Thomas Thirkill.
Born in Ireland.
Memorial at St. Marys Church, Ross-on-Wye - "Sacred to the
memory of Lieutenant John Thirkhill, 88th Connaught Rangers who died
near Stanger, Natal on the 22nd of April 1879 from the effects of fever
contracted while on active service in Zululand. Erected by the
officers, non-commissioned officers and men of the regiment in
affectionate remembrance of a comrade well loved and deeply lamented."
Jeremiah TROY - Army Hospital Corps
Died at
Durban, 8th October 1879. Joined the 8th Hussars in 1855, served
in the Indian Mutiny (1858).
Lieutenant G. TYRRELL - 2nd Natal Native Contingent. Killed at Isandlwana, 22nd January 1879
Captain G.
VAN DER VENTER - Van Der Venter's Volunteer Corps. Killed in
Standish William Prendergast VEREKER - 2nd Natal Native
Killed at Isandlwana, 22nd January 1879. Aged 24. Son of
Viscount Gort and Caroline.
Count Otto Von STIETENCRON - Frontier Light Horse.
Killed in action at Hlobane, 28th March 1879
Lieutenant G.
WARD - Diamond Fields Horse. Killed in action at Gobatse
Heights, 14th October 1878
Captain George Vaughan
WARDELL - 1/24th (2nd Warwickshire Regt.)
Killed at Isandlwana, 22nd Jan. 1879. Aged 38. Son of Major
Wardell (66th Foot, 93rd Highlanders and Royal Canadian Rifles).
Born in Toronto, Canada. Husband of Lucy Russell. His brother,
Captain John Charles Wardell, Royal Marine Light Infantry, was
killed at the battle of Tel-el-kebir, Egypt, 1882.
Frederick Augustus WEATHERLEY - Weatherley's Border Horse
Killed in action, 28th March 1879 at Hlobane
Major Francis Freeman
WHITE - Army Pay Dept. (24th Foot)
Killed at Isandlwana, 22nd January 1879. Aged 49. Son of
Benjamin White, of King's County, Ireland. Husband of Agnes
Lieutenant H. WHITE - Transvaal Rangers. Died of wounds
George WILLIAMS - Frontier Light Horse. Killed in action at
Zlobane, 28th March 1879
Memorial at Aberpergwm Parish Church, Glyn Neath, Wales - "Sacred to the
memory of Captn George Williams, fourth son of W. William Esq of
Aberpergwm, who was killed whilst serving with the Frontier Lt.
Horse in the Zulu War, during the action on the Zlobane Mountain,
March 28th 1879, aged 27."
Captain Cecil Charles
WILLIAMS - 58th Foot
Killed near the Zlobane Mountain, 28th March 1879. Aged 23.
Son of John Williams, of Didsbury, Manchester.
Captain Herbert John
Mainwaring WILLIAMS - 2/3rd East Kent Regt.
Died at Etshowe, 12th March 1879. Aged 40. Son of Rev.
Richard Williams, of Monmouthshire. Husband of Wilhelmina
Edmund Verney WYATT-EDGELL - 17th Lancers
Killed at Ulundi, 3rd July 1879. Aged 33. Son of Rev. Edgell
Wyatt-Edgell and Henrietta, Baroness Braye.
Captain Warren Richard
Colvin WYNNE - Royal Engineers
Died at
Fort Pearson, Natal Frontier, 9th April 1879. Aged 36. Son
of Captain John Wynne (Royal Artillery) and Anne. Born in Louth.
Husband of Lucy Parish.
Lieutenant L.D.
YOUNG - 2nd Natal Native Contingent. Killed at Isandlwana, 22nd
January 1879
Reginald YOUNGHUSBAND - 1/24th (2nd Warwickshire Regt.)
Killed at Isandlwana, 22nd Jan. 1879. Aged 35. Son of
Captain Thomas (H.E.I.C.S.) and Pascoa Baretto. Born at Bath.
Husband of Evelyn Davies.